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Posts posted by Tagada

  1. Dear Pete and Verlaine,

    I logged the event of the key press on the "+" button in the Map Window, and as you expected, Pete, FSUIPC did not recognize the command and passed it on to FS.

    I dug your suggestion, and indeed, the quickest way to effect a click on the "+" button is a key press sequence of the kind: alt-s (to get the "airspeed" input box), tab (to activate the "+" button), space (to press it)... This is easily programmable, although not universal, as, according to the locale, the key combination to get to the airspeed input box might change. It is also very much less elegant than programming with FSUIPC!

    Thank you Pete!



  2. Hello Peter and Verlaine,

    I had told Verlaine how helpful and resourceful you are, and you provided him the proof first hand!

    To complete Verlaine's question: it's FS9, and indeed the map in the Dialogue, showing the aircraft route, VORs, ATC zones, etc.

    I am quite pessimistic... I suspected there are no FSUIPC/FS controls that would activate it (otherwise there should have been controls to toggle the VORs, ATC Zones too). I will however try out your suggestion to log, and report any success here.

    SpeechBuddy could also control keypresses. I have frantically hit every key on my keyboard while the map dialogue was open, and got no effect but with the escape key... I'll try again, less frantically and more systematically.

    Thank you again!


    Dominique Andlauer aka tagada

  3. Thank you for the reply.

    It is clear that there is no point in simulating the 8.33KHz spacing.

    I have checked Luciano Napolitano's key2mouse which seems great but is payware (I have no problem with this myself, but this limitation might prove too great for others.)

    I have found this freeware alternative: http://www.autohotkey.com/ . I'll comment on its usability with FS2004 as soon as I will have tried it.



  4. Dear Pete,

    Thank you for your help!

    About SpeechBuddy and the interface:

    I'd rather say

    "Magneto engine one start"


    "engine one magneto increment, increment, increment, increment".

    If possible, i'd rather let the interface do the increment for me... :-)

    We already can set the radios with a voice command of the kind:

    "set com one for one one eight decimal niner five". Again, I think it is more convenient that selecting the knob and incrementing (and yes, I know the alternative is a home cockpit like yours ;-) )

    I'll test and keep you posted with the result.


    Dominique Andlauer

  5. Dear Pete,

    It's FS9.

    After costing you time this morning, I checked and double checked. I tried in the Ford Tri Motor and the cessna C172 with the same results.

    My point is assigning voice commands and being as universal as possible, so I'd rather use FSUIPC than FS assignments.

    I have figured out a way to work around the problem (using the controls when they work, and the FSUIPC offsets controling the magnetos for left and right). But it's so hybrid, I am sure I will not understand my code anymore tomorrow. I moved from the offsets controlling the magnetos as I had problems with them (If you set a magnetos to start with the offset it remains on start for ever; with the control, it would act normally, ie from start go to both after the engine has started). So I'd rather have the controls if they work.

    Thank you for you help.


    Dominique Andlauer

  6. Thank you for your reply.

    The problem has indeed originated from my misunderstanding of what View_Next and View_Previous were doing. You understood perfectly what I aimed at (s, shift+s)!

    I have since than bumped in another problem, for which I have used the logging facility.

    The controls 66023 - 66027 (MAGNETO_OFF, etc.) would work as I expect them too, especially 66024 would put all the magnetos to right, from any position they were in in a first place.

    I then fail to understand why the control 65928 MAGNETO1_RIGHT (and 65934, etc) fails to do the same for engine 1 (resp. 2 etc.). Especially with engine 1 with magnetos on both, I would go to magnetos left with a first call of the control MAGNETO1_RIGHT, then back to both with the next call.

    1227250 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65930 (0x0001018a), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MAGNETO1_BOTH

    1230391 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65928 (0x00010188), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MAGNETO1_RIGHT

    1233156 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65928 (0x00010188), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MAGNETO1_RIGHT

    Thank you for your kind help,


    Dominique Andlauer

  7. Dear Pete,

    My work on an Interface for Billy Verreynne's Speechbuddy is progressing.

    I would however report an issue I have with FSUIPC's offset 3110 in ocmbination with controls 65827 (next view) and 65828 (previous view).

    Offset 3110 generally works with controls, but not with those two specific controls.

    I first thought the problem could originate from my clumsy programming, so I tried to assign those two function to a key press using FSUIPC. But the same (ie nothing) would happen when the key is pressed.

    I have looked the forum up to find some indication on the topic, but did not find any.

    I would be very grateful for your kind help with this issue.



  8. I cannot judge for Voice Buddy as I have not used it. However, the topics I read about it on other forums would go in the direction of the feeling you express (voiced more or less diplomatically).

    For what SpeechBuddy is concerned, I am still extremely impressed that I can set a radio (COM 1, NAV1) by voice only with a very high precision (99%) by saying a pharase of the kind: "com one one two seven decimal seven five"). I am also glad that I can use FSUIPC to program more complex behaviour, eg the landing gear command "landing gear down" is not just a toggle, and will not work on a plane which does not have a gear, or if the landing gear is already down.

    I have bought a X-52 full-of-buttons-and-wheels joystick just before discovering voice controlers. And now I hardly use any of the buttons or wheels of the X-52 (I have only programmed 4 things specifically on it: throttle, mixture, prop and push to talk to SpeechBuddy; all ther rest I do by voice!). It is a fact that if I had a home built cockpit I would not bother either.

    I am sure you will already have advised the author of my request. Could you kindly also advise him of this thread, to show him that the interest in his excellent work withstands time.



  9. Accept my apologies for missing out on the OLE errors.

    I would suggest that you check that you have installed SAPI5 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detalayLang=en)

    and that in windows' voice configuration panel you have:

    1) "Microsoft English Recognizer v5.1" under language in the "voice recognition tab"

    2) any name BUT "Microsoft sample TTS" under "voice selection" in the "vocal synthesis" tab.

    I hope this will get it to work for you.



  10. Well, I only discovered the software two weeks ago, and Speechbuddy2 dates back from February 2003. So I never have used Speechbuddy 1.

    It seems there were fond users of it in the FSUIPC 2.X times, who might have thought SpeechBuddy stopped working with FSUIPC 3.X (I recently got a mail from "Avcomware/TV" (a user who wrote the brilliant profiles I base my present work on) in this sense . In fact SpeechBuddy works fine with my registered FSUIPC.

    I have tried to get in touch with Billy Verreynne to ask him permission to request a freeware registration key, but his address given on SpeechBuddy's web site seems to be obsolete. I could trace Billy's activity on some forums unrelated to FS (in fact professional forums), and I am shy to disturb him there . Also "Avcomware/TV"told me in a mail that "Billy" would have "taken time off from simming".

    I fear I would lack the programming skills necessary to put the key in the program (I however have a lot of good will, and with some precise indication I could try to modify the open source).

    Thank you for your help.



  11. Mister Dowson,

    I have discovered the SpeechBuddy open source software from Billy Verreynne. It works miracles in combination with FSUIPC, and I would like to share the pleasure.

    I have tried to get in contact with the software owner, but the address given on the software's website does not work.

    I therefore take the initiative to kindly ask whether SpeechBuddy would come into consideration for the release of a freeware software key.

    I thank for you time for this particular request, and I assure you my profound thankfulness for your fundamental contribution to the community (I still think FS2004 is an add-on to FSUIPC).



    Attachment: e-mail sent to Billy Verreynne at 'vslabs@onwe.co.za'

    Dear Billy,

    This mail to warmly thank you for your stupendous SpeechBuddy program.

    I have been programming it for the past three days for controlling small GA aircraft, and although I am not the best programmer in the world, I have booked successes I am reasonably proud of. I send the attached files for your consideration. Please feel free to use them as you wish.

    I specially appreciate:

    1) the possibility to control FS2004 without the use of the keypresses through FSUIPC (I use a quite unconventional Swiss French keyboard layout);

    2) the very high reliability of your speech recognition;

    3) the versatility of the programming language.

    I am a registered user of FSUIPC (of which FS2004 is an add-on), I however would like to share my pleasure with a friend who is not. I would therefore want to kindly ask you whether Speechbuddy has a free registration key for FSUIPC. Shouldn't it have, I would kindly ask you the permission to request one from Peter Dowson.

    As a final assault on your time, I would like to know whether you plan to update Speechbuddy for FSX; in the case you should not, I would very much appreciate any kind suggestion how this could be done from the source code.



    CC: Peter Dowson through the FSUIPC forum.

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