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Everything posted by JPFLIGHT

  1. Hi John, apologies for the delayed response, been on my holidays (was lucky enough to sit in a real A321 front seat due to a delay), however by adjusting the affinity mask that seems to have resolved it, it does seem that delay was the issue.. I can't help but wonder if somewhere in the latest updates to the fenix some additional load has been added as you noted. I'll keep an eye on the situation but I think that seems to have gone along way thanks again James
  2. Hi John should all be packaged here in one place: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/CCWEqbVi#link This is common to all my fenix airbus' as they all naturally use the same profile regardless of being a319/a320/a321 as they all use the same presets
  3. HI John thanks i've uploaded here: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/Te2Nenb4#link using the rotaty i simply turned up quickly and slowly altitude, heading and IAS, then back down quickly and slowly (edited for some double types)
  4. Hi John, thanks for those pointers, i've had a tidy up of my ini, and resolved the lua section issue. That in of itself doesn't seem to have ensured what my gut feeling was the Rotaries LUA not working seemingly it won't let me upload even a zip'd copy of my log file, apparently the forum will only allow me to attach something 817 B in size?
  5. Hi, My Fenix autopilot seems to have stopped working as intended, I know only get a slow turn of decrease/increase alt/speed/hdg settings, rather then the fast turn. I don't think I changed anything and Fenix updates don't seem to have made a difference (i've done some regression testing with their assistance). I've attached my ini and profile ini to see if there is something that i'm not seeing, Any help much appreciated James Fenix A320.iniFSUIPC7.ini
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