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  1. WildCard!! I revisited your suggestion today, along with a few others who made them, and turning off any type of Internet connection solved my problem. I was able to open and run the software just fine in Windows 11 beta. I suspect the Killer drivers may be the culprit but wanted to thank you!
  2. I'm actually a .NET developer myself so I'd have hard time believing they'd get rid of the .NET Framework completely for simple fact of backwards compatibility and the number of software products on the market dependent on the .NET Framework for now would make for slow customer adoption. That being said, programs I'm writing, and have written with the .NET Framework are working great in Windows 11 Beta. I also did a test of Tower!3D Pro on my 2 year old Dell XPS laptop...which also has Windows 11 Beta on it...and the game ran successfully. Like you, and Ripskin, have mentioned...my gut feels as if there's a driver, DirectX or GPU related issue occurring.
  3. Yes, I'm starting to lean that direction myself after successfully running the Tower!3D Pro software successfully on a Dell XPS laptop that is also running Windows 11 Beta. The compatibility mode options re still present in the Windows 11 Beta.
  4. DeltaVII, good idea, I actually did try compatibility mode but with no success. I tested my other, older, Dell laptop which is also running Windows 11 Beta and the software ran fine so the issue "may" lie somewhere other than just being a Windows 11 Beta issue...though it could still be.
  5. Excellent. I ask because it would be pointless to ask my next question if you did not work for them. I'm simply curious how long FeelThere has needed in the past to accommodate emerging OS's once they are released and if they've set any target dates for Windows 11 consideration?
  6. Are you affiliated with FeelThere?
  7. Thanks, WildCard, for the willingness to explore an idea that might help. Greatly appreciated. Turning off WiFi didn't work this time around but Ill be fine living without the game and playing with Windows 11 instead.
  8. Purchased a new MSI 11UH-282 laptop with RTX 3080 - 16GB graphics memory, 11th Gen I9 11980HK processor and 64 GB ram. I am running Windows 11 Beta but am reporting in case you are trying to get ready for that upgrade when it releases. I purchased the game through Steam and cannot get the app to startup. Sometimes it never appears at all, at other times I'll hear the music start, I'll see the images start to slide in from the sides of the screen to where I would normally select my airport, set settings, etc. Unfortunately, it never gets through the slide-in part and then everything closes. Things I've tried: Uninstalled and Reinstalled several times (deleting the folder where the software is installed @ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D Pro). Configured the game to run in admin mode but produced no changes. Changed resolutions from 4k down to 1920x1080 to see if that helped. I've launched the game from the installation folder and I've tried launching it through the Steam "Play" button with no success. Ran the game using the BAT startup file and have attached the game.log file. Please let me know if you need any other information. Would love to get this game going on this amazing laptop to see what the game can do! game.log
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