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Everything posted by spv1

  1. Well good luck to you all and hope you get your programs working soon. Of now for some happy simmin. Cheers Steve.
  2. That`s cool, see if they contact Mc Afee...
  3. Futher to my testing I have downloaded every Mc Afee Virus Update and Firewall Update and all is still working as in should in FSX. So the conclution is. It`s not anything to do with the Virus software , or the firewall. The privacy Service stop`s simconnect from doing it`s thing! How I dont no but that is what is happening on my pc. I hope this helps you guys still having trouble out there. Steve.
  4. Well after some long testing I have found out the problem. McAfee Privacy service is the problem. I have Mc Afee Secuity centre 8 I un-installed the lot and reinstalled one at a time Firewall Virus and left Privacy service unistalled and hay prestow , Your Program apears in the menu and Trackir 4 work a treat. I am just looking into how Inportant the program I did not insatll is. Steve.
  5. Just for the record pete, I do belive Trackir use`s simconnect and that is not working on my pc either, dispite there being a patch out that corrects this from their Alpha drivers, this would suggest simconnet is working on some pc`s but not others? Hope this info helps .steve.
  6. Sorry I forgot to metion, I have no Addon menu either :oops:
  7. I all I have tryed all that has been suggested firewalls off. Win XP sp2 Deluxe FSX 10.0.60905.0 simconnect to match above. Trusted in iternet options menu modules folder installed correctly I am at my witts end and been reading and trying for 36hrs now? and yes I am tired.....lol any more things I can try? Steve.
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