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Posts posted by denver

  1. I reconfigured 1/2 for left and 3/4 for right and it works (through FSUIPC as allways), I figured out I had to delete the assignments in FS for it to work correctly. All my controlls are through FS exept throttles and reverse (through mixture lever) and a few buttons on the yoke. I dont beleive this is a dead zone issue because in one of the PMDG options there is an option to ignore the throttle position on the joystick when AT engaged, which I have unchecked (set to ignore throttle position). Now when I go into joytsick axis calibration page on page three "throttle axis" there seems to be a dead zone in there at full already i.e. just before the throttle gets to full I get to the max full calibration # +16??? forget what it is, I can then move the throttles the remainder of the way and nothing changes so I think that would be the dead zone at full.

    I am not using the CH software because I got the yoke second hand w/o the disk.

    On interesting thing that may help you is when I am in the VC and move the throttles foreward manually, just before the joystick throttles get to full the airplane throttles get to full and then as I advance the joystick throttles all the way foreward the 747's throttles bump back from full slightly. No matter how much I recalibrate through FSUIPC this happens.


  2. "I have my CH throttle left lever assigned to throttle 1 and 4 and middle lever assigned to throttle 2 and 3"

    If I program (like I would like) as you sugested then for some reason when I move the left throttle on the yoke throttles 1 and 2 move like they should but when i move the middle throttle it moves throttles 2,3 and 4. Not shure what i am doing wrong here but when I map them as they are they work fine. I thought that might have been the problem origionally.

    "Normally, for all aircraft and all versions of FS, whether FSUIPC is used or not, when in auto-throttle modes you need to ensure that the actual throttle axis values aren't interfering. Unless you have absolutely clean non-jittery axes (very rare) this is normally achieved by parking the levers at idle or max settings, where you will, of course, have calibrated a reliable dead zone which therefore will not jitter."

    After AT engages I do move the throttles to full but this makes no difference.

    I will try programming a null zone at max via FSUIPC.

    By the way that was the fastest reply I have ever gotten. Thanx!

  3. I have searched extensively on the pmdg and this forum and no one seems to have an answer to this.

    On the pmdg 747 I have my CH throttle left lever assigned to throttle 1 and 4 and middle lever assigned to throttle 2 and 3 and right lever assigned to reverse on all 4 engines via FSUIPC. During manual throttle operation the levers move smoothly however during autothrottle operation the throttles go crazy back and forth not only instantainiously but way out of range like they are having a seizure together. This has no effect on the engines wich are compensating normally for turbulence, all indications on the EICAS are normal. My hunch is that it has to do with the way i have set up my throttles in FSUIPC. It seems that when the AFDS compensates in turbulence for speed in speed mode the acual throttle movement is smooth (as shown on the EICAS) and real but the signal sent to the visual throttle models in VC instantly jerk to a very low setting and in underspeed they instantly jerk to a very high setting. This is visually disturbing to me because I allways fly in VC.

    - the level D 767 and PIC 737 throttles behave smoothly

    Could it be a 4 engine thing the way I have my CH levers set up?

  4. Okay I'm back

    Yes indeed, I uninstalled Charter inernet security and FSX worked perfectly with fsuipc. Its the anti virus. Then I reinstalled charter, rebooted 2 times and the problem is now back again. I will probably wait to see if you can release a version that circumvents the axis or maby I'll try AVG as per the sugestion. I am paranoid about internet security however and hate to switch AV's just for this reason. I guess it will depend on how much work it is for you to tweak this version.

    Anyway, thanx so far bacause you have been alot of help on this.


    Fuel Selectors Ins.

  5. Hello Pete,

    I am running SP2 auto updates, all current everything.

    I will send a report to microsoft.

    It certainly sounds like some sort of horrible queue is being built up in the TCP/IP stack used by SimConnect. I'll send a note to Microsoft, but please also report it as I suggested.

    Is there anyway to work around this for now. I dont really understand this whole simconnect thing. It sounds like everything i do inside of fsx through fsuipc has to go through some server? Simconnect?

    By the way I tried enabling all my disabled startup items, rebooting, shutting down firewall and antivirus, staring FSX and the lag was almost gone alowing me to takeoff, but then it came back slowly with varying short delay times untill it got so bad that I lost controll and crashed into Brooklin. It seems to vary greatly like there is something going on externally like that, that may be interfeering.



  6. Thanx for the fast reply Pete,

    I meant version 4.0.1, anyway the latest, my mistake. I could have sworn I rechecked and typed the key in at least 20 million times but it only worked after I finally cut and pasted it into the boxes, funny. I'm registered now.

    Anyway, back to the real problem with the controll lag. I disabled all my internet security, firewall and antivirus and to no avail. I make a controll input and then nothing happens for about 5 to 30 seconds and then the input happens whithin the sim. When I disable FSUIPC by moving the .dll out of the modules folder all is well again. I cant help but think it has something to do with the joystick axis in FSUIPC but I just cant figure it out. I have your preveouse versions in fs9 with no problems and have only used it for weather features and have never played around with the button programming or other controlls features before so its all guess work to me at this point.

    I will send a report to microsoft but i have a sneaky suspicion that because no one else has seemed to have this problem "yet" that it is something with my setup. Your program is the foundation to a better flight sim so I must fix this before I can move on.

    Anyone else have this problem?


    Denver @ Fuel Selectors Inc.

  7. In FSX after installing FSUIPC 4.1 all joystick axis have a 2-5 second lag making aircraft unflyable elevator, aileron, rudder and throttle. All buttons work however. I have tryed everything to no avail. When I remove the .dll from the modules directory everything works fine. I tryed re downloading and reinstalling again after removing the old .dll and still the same thing. When I go into the calibration in fs all axis work like they should. I figured that if I payed for regestration and got the full version working there would be a setting I could magically check to make it work (doesnt make much sense but i was planning on buying it anyway because it was so great in fs9) however now the key the flightsim.com gave me is invalid!! which is my second problem (filled out a trouble ticket and hopefully i'll get that one resolved soon from them or maybe you).

    Thanx in advance

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