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  1. ok thanks, wondered why there isnt an option in FSUICP, but this is a very old tool i guess.
  2. I only run MSFS2020 but FSUIPC starts anyway oO?=What is this?
  3. Hey is set up a profile with Binds in MSFS2020 for the Caravan208. Changed Liverie, and now the Profile is emtpy. What ist that? [Profile.Caravan208] 1=Cessna Grand Caravan Xbox Aviators Club Livery [Axes.Caravan208] RangeRepeatRate=10 [Buttons.Caravan208] 1=PB,18,C67007,1 -{SET_STARTER1_HELD}- 3=PB,17,C66241,0 -{TOGGLE_MASTER_BATTERY}- 4=UB,17,C67187,1 -{BATTERY1_SET}- 7=RB,26,C67052,1 -{ELECT_FUEL_PUMP1_SET}- 8=UB,26,C67052,2 -{ELECT_FUEL_PUMP1_SET}- 9=PB,27,C67052,0 -{ELECT_FUEL_PUMP1_SET}- 10=UB,27,C67052,2 -{ELECT_FUEL_PUMP1_SET}- 12=RB,31,C67007,0 -{SET_STARTER1_HELD}- 13=UB,31,C67006,0 -{SET_STARTER_ALL_HELD}- 14=UB,18,C67007,0 -{SET_STARTER1_HELD}- 15=PB,15,C67175,0 -{ALTERNATOR_ON}- 16=UB,15,C67174,0 -{ALTERNATOR_OFF}- that was the profile now i am on another liverie and nothing is in the .ini or comes up: btw. how can i Change between profiles quickly? i can only do it once with the checkmark. The UI is really 1990 but there must be a way to change between profiles?
  4. NICE thanks for all the time and info! ASOBO breaks all kind of stuff and the SIM is in a bad state..Takes years to get this done i guess. Hopefully guys like WorkingTitle will help them out. A Sim where you can bind all buttons would be standard for me, but not Asobo/MS. Anyway FSUIPC helps with binding my HOTAS Switches to on/off (even that MSFS cant do) .
  5. ok Add-ons->WASM->Execute Calculator Code that works but it sets the Alternator to MAIN, i wanted Standby 0 (>L:XMLVAR_ElecGen, Number) (A:GENERAL ENG MASTER ALTERNATOR:1, Bool) ! if{ (>K:TOGGLE_ALTERNATOR1) } i also cant bind Starter or Ignition Switchtes , i can read them when i monitor events but they do nothing. Hmm, my thought was i buy this and i can map buttons. but like 50% TBM buttons not working. Can Axis and Ohs do this? Spad.next? or is this so comlicated too?
  6. Ok i found the Mobi Flight Event Files and read the Manual, but it is unclear where to put that code: 0 (>L:XMLVAR_ElecGen, Number) (A:GENERAL ENG MASTER ALTERNATOR:1, Bool) ! if{ (>K:TOGGLE_ALTERNATOR1) } It sais i can copy the .evt files to the main FSUIPC Folder. but which file i need and where to put this code^^
  7. Phuu thats to hard..I found the G3000.havr file and in FSUIPC i can see them when i list Hvars..But i cant find the WASM Folder in FSUIPC. Also when i do this Mobiflight whatever it is..will the Button switch Physical and rendered to the GPU position or will only the Event happen?
  8. Woa very nice! Thank you! But where to put this code? Can you tell me where the location is?
  9. Perhaps i need to get WASM (Whatever thats is) to work? I have it enabled its in the community Folder but All the WASM Options (Lvars and so) are greyed Out. OK WASM is working now. But i cant figure out how to set this key. Or the GPU key in the TBM.. And i cant clear a button, i cleared it in the settings still but active in the sim. OK restarted the Sim and now i can clear buttons. How to switch the AP/Trimm Selector with a hotas or Joystick key? cant figure that out too.. Looked into the Zoom Key for the G3000- But cant find it too😑
  10. Hey, i can find this Button. I just bought FSUIPC 7 for MSFS and i am a noob 🙂 So i want lo bind the Standby-Generator Button but cant find it. i tried all the Alternator Buttons (on, off, set) and i can set on and of but no standby.
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