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About marcgeerts

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi Pete, Same prob here.No more addon entry after installing latest update.Help appreciated. Regards...Marc
  2. Hi Pete, I tried to assign buttons via a macrofile but that doesn't work since when I click the clickspots on the SB window I get no reaction.think it doesn't recognize that window.And since I'm just an amateur I couldn't think of another way to do. Regards...Marc
  3. Hi Pete , Thx for the reply.I forgot to post it here but since I posted on their site I got a reply this assign no longer works with SB4 and FSX ( http://squawkbox.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3734 ). I did check the manual but since it didn't seem to work I did put up the question. But again thx for the reply. Regards...Marc
  4. OK, Let me add my little bit of misery too.I also keep loosing an assign.I assigned 3 buttons on a second joy to open panel windows for the PMDG 747 FSX version. beeing the overhead, central pedestal and the throttle and I keep loosing the throttle assigened button{that is assigned to open panel8}.Tried both aircraft specifec and none specific. I start my FSX with the default boeing and then change to the PMDG 747X. Regards...Marc
  5. Hi Peter, I did post on their forum too but till now no response.But I can wait till Pete is back, have no where to go lol.Thx anyway. Regards...Marc
  6. Hummm...Odd.This usually beeing the place for all kinds of solutions and now nothing?Not even a reaction?Realy none of you guys can help me with this prob?Strange...But I keep hoping anyway so...anybody? Regards...Marc
  7. I have a question/request?If I remember correctly one can those sb commands{standby,normal and ident}assign to a button.I have 3 joystick buttons to which I want to assign those commands to. Is there anybody who can explain me exactly how to{maybe step by step with parameters if needed.I know I'm not too clever} assign those 3 joystick buttons so I can use them to set the right sb mode and ident?Would be much appreciated.I think its done with fsuipc but that's as far as my knolledge goes. Regards...Marc
  8. Hi Pete, I figured as much.I'll have to deal with it a different way.thx for the reply anyway. Regards...Marc
  9. Hi Pete, I try to assign joystick buttons to the PMDG 747X fuel cuttoff leavers on the throttle window via the macro abillity.I followed the user guide to the letter I think but I get no result just one leaver is working. i think it has to do with the click area {rectangle?}. Here is the macro file [Macros] Module="PMDG_747400_Center.DLL" 1=Fuel cutt eng 1=R1 2=Fuel cutt eng 2=R1 3=Fuel cutt eng 3=R1 4=Fuel cutt eng 4=R1 So when I click a lever it switches all 4 for that matter but when I press TAB to test only the first one most left one switches. Hope this can be sorted out?Help much appreciated. Regards...Marc
  10. Hi Pete, Thx for following up.I been checking the planner site aswell.But I start thinking my system must haunted lol. Now when I try that openport tool I get only two collums with result:protocoll{which all are TCP} and PID{two times 81.465.166.201and ten times}All other collums stay empty.I think I tried everything possible to get results. Only last thing I can think off is that because I use VISTA 32 something gets blocked are messed up.Slowly starting to go insane lol.Only comfort is that I noticed on the planner forum that I'm not alone. Regards ...Marc
  11. Hi Peter, A last update maybe.Did exactly as you described but for me to no avail.Prob persists.FSXPlanner works even connected to FSX but then it's like something prohibits any other communication to FSX the moment I put the xml file in the fsx folder.That means like I stated before:no addons menu,by which no joystick activity,and no com radio communication even though I see the icon of goflight prog in systemtray.As soon as I remove the xml file all goes back to normal. So I start to think there might be something wrong with my system.Guess I'll have to do a complete re-install at some point.But for now it'll have to do like it is.In the end I can live without FSXPlanner lol. But anyway thank you SO MUCH for all your troubble and your patience with me. Regards...Marc PS:Had same prob with the new fsuipc version,FSX hanging {in my case the moment I touched joystick}.But that already happened to me with the 4.126 version for which I got a workaround by letting it make a new ini file.But anyway allis ok now with new 4.151 version.
  12. Thx Peter, much appreciated. After reading your post at the planner forum maybe it's yet an other idea to run fsuipc installer after putting the planner xml in the FSX folder and see what happens and else wait for an improved version of the planner. Regards...Marc
  13. Hi Peter, It's me once more.I sawour post at the planner forum from wich I can maybe understand yorogram out and know how to get it working connection included?I'm interested in a realy step by step instruction how to since I only read those Dummies books lol :wink: .Where to put what and so on?I even can give you my email if wanted. I know it's still just a beta but it looks promissing.I'm eager to lrarn. Regards ...Marc
  14. Hi Peter, I think i tried everything now also without neither file but to no avail.That FSXPlanner works fine, the prob is the connection with FSX.I tried to attach the prog before but too big.It's a new {bete} prog afcad like to edit airports.When connected to FSX I planned to use it as kinda moving map also at airports where I don't know my way around and when flying online I could find way to RW or sate when instructed by atc.And ofcorse to edit airports connected to FSX to exactly put things in.Like I said the prog itself works fine but the connection with FSX to get airplane position is a mess { for me at least}.Let me give you the url so maybe you can take a look at it and come up with a solution?;>} http://www.zbluesoftware.com/fsxplanner/ Regards...Marc
  15. Hi Peter, Thx anyway for ur help.I know this isn't prob the right place but I got the idea that the people on the planner forum aren't exactly sure what they are doing or how things work.So I gave it a try here anyway. So yes I only use one pc.So if I understand correctly I need neither xml nore cfg filed for thar simconnect? Rely THX AGAIN for ur much appreciated help. Regards...Marc
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