Below the copilot's yoke they have a series of fuses, starting with the FUEL IND, passing through the Pitot, etc. They also have the communication/radio, ADF etc. fuses.
If you click on the fuse it JUMPS and if you click again it locks
I'm interested in creating a small system so that the activation Checklist, Taxi etc... make sense. It's boring to do a checklist before starting the aircraft knowing that nothing will be out of place or "burnt out". I want to make sure that every time the aircraft is/is turned off there is a possibility that there is a problem.
For example, when checking the fuses it appears that the FUEL IND fuse is blown so the pilot presses the fuse. The Alternator may not be working, in which case there would be a button on the system (outside the simulator) for the pilot to request a change of part before continuing. Silly little things like that.