6=2R,D,16383,16000,74703,0 -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Custom control: <74703> }-
7=2R,B,12159,11767,74704,0 -{ Entering=Custom control: <74704> }-
8=2R,B,7656,7272,74705,0 -{ Entering=Custom control: <74705> }-
9=2R,B,3183,2583,74706,0 -{ Entering=Custom control: <74706> }-
10=2R,B,-1762,-2162,74707,0 -{ Entering=Custom control: <74707> }-
11=2R,B,-5998,-6398,74708,0 -{ Entering=Custom control: <74708> }-
what I am really asking is how to enter the numbers on left side into the axis assignment boxes, if I leave them empty I get the current file. I am not able to manually enter anything into the boxes and if I manually change the file it will just get overwritten.