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  1. Acknowledged and thanks for the quick reply. It is strange that the plane is set to the correct altitude (FLxyz) for some flights, but not for all <-- Mostly over the ocean it will be ground 0. OK, let us wait for Asobo, maybe one day Bernhard
  2. Hello, if I restart with this file (I was at FL350), the plane is set to ground 0, but not 35000 ft. What could be wrong? Thanks for your help. Bernhard AutoSave Mon 200036.FLT
  3. Hello John, thanks, works fine. I installed WASM too, but I get this message running WebSocketsServer V0.3.4 > MSFS Variables > Log LVars: [ERROR]: **** Different WASM version: The WASM version is 0.5.7 while the WAPI version is 0.5.6. This may cause issues. Bernhard
  4. Hallo John, nice, will do it. Bernhard
  5. Hallo John, thanks for the quick answer, now I got it: #1 I created a [A32NX.mcro] file with the content: [Macros] 1=L:A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON=Toggle #2 copied this file into the FSUIPC7 Root folder #3 Now it was in the „Control sent when …“ dropdown, and ist works with the FBW A32NX, Yeah. Kind regards: Bernhard
  6. Hello, I don't understand something and maybe someone can help me. I have in the FSUIPC7.ini a [L.vars] 11=L:A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON=Toggle but I can't find it in the dropdown list for the joystick button [B:10]. Have I made a mistake in thinking, or what am I doing wrong? Many thanks: Bernhard
  7. Hello John, thanks, works fine now, every 5 minutes, only 2 files, old ones overwritten, problem solved.
  8. Hello John, thanks, I used [UpdatedByVersion=7213], will try the Beta at my next flight.
  9. Hello, I need your help, my settings in the *.ini are: [AutoSave] Next=1 Interval=300 Files=2 SaveOnGround=No AutoSaveEnabled=Yes 1=Mon 204221 2=Mon 204720 But in the MSFS folder always new files are created without overwriting the old one. After a long flight I have tons of them in the MSFS-folder I deleted FSUIP7 (registered version) and reinstalled, but still the same? Thank you.
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