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About mkeller

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Here are my settings from FSUIPC4.ini: [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=Yes Port=COM1 Speed=4800 Interval=1000 PosTo6Decimal=Yes Sentences=RMC,GGA,PGRMZ I have not changed the settings from those that worked with 4.12. MK
  2. Yes, it looks like GPSout is using 7 bits instead of 8. My receiving application (Street Atlas) now works with 4.152, provided I change the word length in Street Atlas to 7 bits. MK
  3. This has happened to me, too. GPSout worked with my earlier version, but not with 4.152. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of 4.12 to go back to. Pete, in your release notes for 4.152, you say "The port names used in the GPSout section of FSUIPC4 are now applied with the prefixed \\.\ sequence when used to set the port speed and other properties as well as in the opening. This should make it unnecessary to add the prefix in non-standard port names such as those for USB connections. " Could this have anything to do with the problem? Thanks, MK
  4. Pete, We just tested the GPSout facility for about an hour and a half. It works as advertised, and we had a great time tracking our flight in real time with Street Atlas and Topo USA. Larry Nusbaumer and I would like to thank you for giving this your attention and seeing it through to a solution. MK
  5. Pete, I did a brief test with 4.032, and it works in both Freeflight and Multiplayer. I'll send it to my buddy. We can test it thoroughly in an extended multiplayer session this weekend. I'll let you know if everything is okay or if we still have problems. I'm optimistic... Thanks, MK
  6. Here are the files... logs_mtk.zip
  7. Pete, I tried the test version (4.031), but I still get no communication between PC and laptop--even in Freeflight mode. Just to recap the two different situations: 1. With version 4.02, GPSout works in Freeflight mode. In Multiplayer, it stops updating aircraft position, although it continues to send reports to the laptop. 2. With versions 4.026 and 4.031, the symptoms are different. GPSout fails to communicate with the laptop at all. Even in Freeflight, my mapping application reports that "no GPS receiver has been detected." When I reinstall 4.02, GPSout works again, but only in Freeflight.
  8. I'd be happy to give the test version a try. Thanks for following up on this. MK
  9. Pete, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll create a log. Might be tomorrow, though. MK
  10. Pete, As you have suggested in your ReadMe, I am posting a copy of this message to Microsoft. A buddy and I use Flight Simulator in multiplayer mode nearly every weekend. We have used the FS9 version of GPSOut successfully with several GPS tracking applications for at least a year. Our weekend multiplayer sessions were the primary use of GPSOut. We expected the FSX version to be trouble-free. To avoid problems, we don't run firewall software or virus scanners while FS is running. Here's what we did this weekend: Purchased FSUIPC 4.02 from SimMarket, downloaded it, and installed it. Started FSX and registered FSUIPC. Connected the FSX computer to a laptop's serial port. I ran Delorme Street Atlas on my laptop, and my buddy ran Topo USA on his laptop. Restarted FSX, and used FSUIPC's dialog to activate GPSOut. We selected the same communication options that we had used in the FS9 version. Street Atlas and Topo USA detected the signal from GPSOut and correctly tracked the plane's movements. We were encouraged. Each of us switched FSX to Multiplayer mode. My buddy hosted, and I joined via direct IP address. As we flew around, Street Atlas and Topo USA continued to get data from GPSOut, but now the data failed to contain updates of the plane's position. GPSOut was repeatedly sending the last known position from the previous FreeFlight mode. Went back to FreeFlight mode and resumed flying. Problem was still there. Data continued to flow, but the plane's position did not update in Street Atlas or Topo USA. The symptoms were identical on both systems. Shut down FSX, and then restarted it (in FreeFlight mode). GPSOut began sending correctly updated data again. Switched FSX to Multiplayer mode, and the problem reappeared for both of us. While troubleshooting the problem, we discovered that the site where we bought FSUIPC did not have the latest version (FSUIPC 4.026), so we downloaded 4.026 and installed it. We started FSX in FreeFlight mode. This time, GPSOut didn't even send a signal to Street Atlas or Topo USA at all. Nothing, zip, nada. Neither application detected a GPS signal. GPSOut was one of our main reasons for buying FSUIPC for FSX, and it's crucial for it to work in multiplayer mode. Any suggestions on how we can get it working? MK
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