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Everything posted by prosoft

  1. Hi, I'm trying to setup a new panel with few buttons. I would need (for now) only EXT POWER button PAUSE ON/OFF ( or TOGGLE ) button I use Prepar3D V5.4. I keep getting errors. Can you help me please? Thanks in advance, bye Massimo
  2. Thank you !
  3. Hi Peter, sorry .... I have lost my key installation file... cause i have changed PC. I'm not running FSX from 2 years ago.... how can I restore my registration ? I have bought license from my email " prosoft at pro-soft dot it " thanks in advance Massimo
  4. Thanyou for your prompt replay. I have upgraded PMFileCheck to last version !!!! Now Warning message is disappear !!! ThankYou Massimo
  5. Hi Pete, sorry I have just download and install new version of FSUIPC. I have download FSUIPC4 4.26 ( FSX ) and installed on SERVER Installed with "check existing registration(s)" on Both... after I have download FSUIPC4 4.26 and installed on CLIENT run C:\WideFS\WideClient.exe on CLIENT..... Connection is ok... Now.... when I run PFFileCheck of ProjectMagenta an error appear: FSUIPC/WideFS found! WideServer Version 7.26 WideClient Version 6.75 !!!WideServer/WideClient Version Mismatch Things To Do: Check Installed Versions of WideClient I don't know why !!!! You can Help me? Thanks in advance Massimo
  6. thankyou very much tfor the prompt replay ... I have undestand !!!! Thanks bye. Massimo
  7. Hi Peter, With FSInterrogate2 I have serch for offset of EFIS and I have found 0E5E - 60 - 62 - 64 - 68 . I have found ADF / VOR / ILS Switch but I don't have found range of 5-10-20-40-80-160-320 switch of 737 EFIS or APP - VOR - MAP - PLN switch ... You can help me ? thanks Massimo
  8. Thankyou for your replay.... Yes, i need to run OGS in second PC and i need to run WideView in second PC ( I have only 2 pc's !!!) . I will try to change transmission protocol to OGS config file ( i have to chose FSUIPC, IOCP, and other than don't remember ) You think i can try to change class also to WideVIew ? Thanks Bye PS: Exist another software to have a FS views on a separate connected PC ? ( like WideView? ) Thanks Bye.
  9. Sorry.... I don't understand... In second PC i need to run FSX oto run WideView... OK In second PC i need ALSO to run some gauges thak working with WideFS ( FSUIPC on first PC ) then.... In second PCif I run FSX to use videWiew I cannot start WideFS to use external gauges ( like OGS ) .... is correct ? thanks in advance.... Massimo
  10. Hi Peter, I use your FSUIPC to connect my first pc with FSX with second PC with FSX via WideFS. On second pc I have some gauges connected... OK now I have buy also Widewiew cause I need to display on the second PC also additional view. The configuration is: First PC with 4 monitors for 2 view and some gauges (Radio, Throttle, EICAS ) Second PC with 4 monitor for 2 lateral view and other gauges (MFC, PFD, etc... all gauges are original window disancored of default 737 FSX) the probmem is: To use Wideview I need to run FSX on second PC if I run FSX I cannot run WideFS on second PC. I have also tried to install FSUIPC on second PC .. there is a method to run WideFS and FSX on the second PC ..i need to use boot for my configuration ! Thanks Massimo
  11. ok, right ! Many thanks and.... sorry ! Massimo
  12. Sorry , I'm very sorry Pete but I don't know search facility ... Where can I found search facility ? Its a guide ?
  13. Ok, now it working... but only last question.... On default 737 pannel of FSX I have: NAV/GPS Switch ( for NAV or GPS ) and C/O PushButton ( for IAS/MACH) you can send me the offsets ? Thanks ! Massimo
  14. ThankYoy very much ! Now I use the default 737-800 of FSX ( very good ) and I will configure only N1 , VOR / LOC .... without LNAV and VNAV ! I will try... thank you so much Massimo
  15. ThanYou.... I have serr LNAV and VNAV ( vertical navigation ) in 373NG Pannel cause after i have make my MCP based on 737NG ! Can I substitute these VNAV and LNAV with NAV1 button ? thanks Massimo
  16. Hi Pete, sorry you can show me the right FSUIPC 4.03 offset for N1 button ALT HOLD Button LNAV, VNAV button on default 737 of FSX ? Thanks! Massimo
  17. Hi ms. Pete, sorry.... with FSUPIC 4.04 exist a possibility to save the position and size of disancored windows of Intruments pannels. I have show and disancored windows of GPS, ALT, etc .. pannels and I have move it on other ( secondary ) Windows screen but.... if I exit from the simulator FSX and alfter re-enter I need to resize and re-move all discancored windows ! Its normal ? You can adjust this with FSUIPC or with any modify of FSX setting ? Thanks ! Massimo
  18. Many Thanks for your replay ! Massimo
  19. Hi mr. Pete, i have a big quastion and nobody can help me... I have buy FSX and FSUIPC: 4.03 with WideFS: 6.71 I have make my MCP pannel with IOCARD hardware from http://www.opencockpits.comnow: 1) Can I interface my MCP hardware with FSX and your FSUIPC 4.03 by programming IOCARD with SIOC Code ? Somebody can helpme ? 2) I have found a FS SIOC CODE example for IOCard but you know if it working with default 737 of FSX or nly with PMDG 737NG 3) TO interface my hardware ( only MCP , no INSTRUMENTS ) I need only Project Magenta or not ? I don't have money now for PM but i need only to use my MCP hardware without Glass Cockpits ! ThankYou in advance for your help ! Massimo
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