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  1. i found it here: Lua 5.4 Reference Manual
  2. in FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf on page 2 there is a list of standard libraries, like string, math... Where can i find the documentation? Thank you. Werner
  3. Hi Borja, John is right, that everything is explained in the documents, but it is not so easy (at least for me) to get everything together. Now let me describe step-by-step how you can toggle the lvar: A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON You do not need a macro, just an offset. 1) Assign a free offset (A000) to your lvar in FSUIPC7.INI: [LvarOffsets] 1=L:A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON=UB0xA000 In: FSUIPC7 Offsets Status.pdf on page 106 it is described that the offsets from A000 to A200 are free for general use. Therefore lets use the first free offset (A000) Please do not forget to "Add-Ons->WASM->Reload" after you make changes in this section of the PSUIPC7.INI 2) In FSUIPC7 go to "Assignments->Buttons&Switches" and press your joystick button to assign to the APU Master Switch. Select the checkbox "Select for FS Control" From the drop-down list of "Control sent when button pressed" select "Offset Byte Togglebits" Enter in the field Offset: xA000, enter in the field parameter: x01 You see the connection between your button and the lvar is the offset A000 After pressing OK it should work (i just tested it) Regards Werner
  4. Hi John, i also have problems to understand how to change the value of a lvar in a simple way and how to make the connection to "control sent when button pressed", because lvars are not listed in this drop down list, just custom events, macros. Where to define this example above to change the lvar value: 1=L:A32NX_OVHD_APU_MASTER_SW_PB_IS_ON=Toggle ? in the marco file? In: "N=L:name=ACTION" what does N mean? The index as a reference to a defined macro? Thank you for your help. Werner
  5. Hi John, thank you for your remark. After i have just installed the FBW development version, all these lvars are available now. Regards Werner
  6. Hi John, this lvar is in this list: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/pilots-corner/a32nx-briefing/a32nx_api/ therefore i believe it should be available in the latest stable version A32NX V0.7.3 of flybywire which i have installed. From this list i already use A320 specific custom events like: A320NX.FCU-SPD-PUSH Werner
  7. Hi John, i tried several times via the FSUIPC7 menu AddOns->WASM->Reload to reload lvars, but i still can not see in the lvars list all the A32NX_EFIS... lvars. Via a switch button i would like to change the ND range (lvar: A32NX_EFIS_L_ND_RANGE). Thanks Regards Werner
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