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  1. Yeah, that worked! Thanks! When I was browsing the file structure I also found the documentation folder.. might actually learn something from this. Read the manual 😅
  2. I think I'm having the same issue. I'm totally new with FSUIPC and don´t know if I'm doing something wrong or if there is something that's not working. I'm trying to bind buttons on my throttle (x-56) to custom events in the FlyByWire A32NX (MFSF). Should the custom events be found in the dropdown when selecting "for FS control"? I can't find any of the A32NX specific events in the dropdown like : A32NX.FCU_AP_1_PUSH A32NX.FCU_AP_2_PUSH A32NX.FCU_AP_DISCONNECT_PUSH Should they be shown there? Or am I missing something obvious? I can see in the console that it founds the aircraft: Aircraft="Airbus A320 Neo FlyByWire".
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