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About Kennair

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
    Flying & Music

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Pierre-Jean FSCopilot won't work in P3D unless you run in Legacy mode. The message you're getting is indicating that FSInn doesn't recognise the application (P3D). Install Flightsim Estonia's Migration tool and select to run in FSX emulation mode. Fire up P3D and you should have full FSInn functionality. Ken.
  2. Once again Pete, you're a legend without equal. Just reconfigured the joystick in Non-RAW mode and it worked a treat! All axis assigned and configured in FSUIPC along with their buttons and no jitters. Thanks for that and keep up the great work. Ken http://www.kennair.com
  3. Thanks Pete, My workaround is working fine at the moment, having Axis assigned in FS and configuring them in FSUIPC which doesn't cause a problem. Yes I was using RAW mode for all axis so I will try the other mode. Interesting also that I have an Open Cockpits Axis card with 5 axis and 24 buttons that I use to have connected and this worked fine exclusively in FSUIPC. I'll try connecting that again to compare. I don't know, too many variables in this game! You get one thing working and another goes. It would also help if FS9 didn't keep assigning my joystick everytime I unplug and change things!! I am happy using it in this combined mode for the moment, at least everything works. Certainly don't go contemplating a rewrite of version 3 as version 4 certainly has no problem. By the way, love the program and the support. Worth every dollar of the registration :D Ken.
  4. OK, I seem to have discovered a workaround by removing the Axis Assignments in FSUIPC and assigning them in FS instead. I then used FSUIPC's Joystick Calibration section to apply the various settings for throttles such as reverse thrust etc. The button allocations on either card no longer cause axis jitter. I guess this is the proper way to do it, instead of using FSUIPC exclusively? Ken.
  5. Dear Pete, I have two joysticks connected to my flightsim, one is a hacked Saitek 4xAxis and 8 buttons and the other is Leo Bodner's 8xJoystick controller card with 36 buttons. In both cases when configuring via FSUIPC3.731 (and earlier versions) I can configure all axis but when I configure any of the buttons the associated joystick axis start jittering all over the place. This doesn't occur if I configure in FS only, however FS doesn't offer enough flexibility. It also doesn't occur when I configure the same axis and buttons in FSX with FSUIPC4. I have searched forums and connot see anything similar happening. What could be the cause and am I doing something wrong? Ken.
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