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Bill Stewart

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  1. attached is the log file. I just don't know why it's not working for me. FSUIPC7.log
  2. ok, so I deleted the copies that were in those other locations ( i had them there because I couldn't remember what folder it needs to be in) but left it in the install folder which i confirmed via the open install folder option. Still doesn't detect anything. FYI, the throttles do work if I have them mapped in MSFS to the throttle 1 & 2 axis. But I want to be able to calibrate via FSUIPC as well as use FSUPIC for setting flap detents.
  3. thank you for the quick response. I did not have the driver installed. I downloaded it but didn't know where to copy it. So I copied into multiple locations: c:\fsuipc msfs addons\fsuipc-lvar-module msfs addons\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules I then shut down msfs and loaded it up again. still won't detect any of the axes. Not sure if this will help, but here are some files that I see others provide you. thanks
  4. hello, I just recently installed windows 11 and I'm new to msfs 2020. I'm having an issue with calibrating my throttle using fsuipc7. I've made sure that msfs doesn't have any of the throttle axes mapped, but when I go into FSUIPC none of the throttle axes are detected. I recall that is the way it worked for me before using windows 10 and p3dv4. Is there any help you can provide? Kind Regards Bill
  5. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hi, I'm a registered user of FSUIPC 7 as well as the Goflight software tool from Pollypot. I'm struggling to see how I can map one of my Go Flight rotary knobs to be able to adjust brightness of the interior cockpit lights like you can do with the mouse wheel. Can anyone be able to provide some assistance? Kind Regards Bill
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