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About tonypward

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi Pete Can't find the Pan View in Axis Assignments, there is however a Pan Heading, Pan Tilt and Pan Pitch. Reverted to FS axis for now. Regards, Tony
  2. Thanks, I think I have managed it. I did remove all axis and sliders and so on from FS and it has worked fine today. However I think you need to check it regularly as I have found the odd one crep back in. Cheers.
  3. Hi Pete I have recently had to reinstall all software to my pc. I had the Saitek in FSX with FSUIPC4 all working fine so no need to fix what was not broken and I did not need to upgrade to the latest version. I have now installed all the FSX and SP's, along with v4.40. I am having a problem where the autopilot functions, i.e. Heading Hold, Speed Hold and Alt Hold all keep turning off randomly. Is there any known issues or do I need to go back to my last working version? thanks as always, Tony
  4. Thanks Pete Version 4.08 works like a dream. Just one little question. Did you intend moving the fsuipc4.ini file from the modules folder of FSX to the Users saved file directory in my case to: Tony Ward\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files Just asking? Many Thanks again Pete. Regards, Tony
  5. Thanks for the prompt reply. I have set the axis in FSX in the settings and they register as x and y for the joystick. Then in FSX nothing on external view of the aircraft. I have tried using FSUIPC after setting the joystick axis and again nothing. The only bit I found was this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_044F&PID_A012] "OEMData"=hex:41,00,00,10,08,00,00,00 With the vid and pid bit at the end, there were another 33 entries. This was one I recognise as it is one of my joysticks, the sidewinder usb none feedback. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_045E&PID_003C] "OEMData"=hex:01,00,00,10,08,00,00,00 "OEMName"="SideWinder Joystick" [later] Just deleted the modules directory and the joystick works okay. Check the calibration in control panel/game adapters and all ok. Puzzling.... If you need a guinea pig for testing under 64bit, just let me know what you want to try? In the mean time... back to XP to play in FSX, good job I made it a dual boot system just in case of problems. Regards, p.s. found something and sent it to you in a pm.
  6. Hi All My setup Vista 64bit Home Premium. FSUIPC4 4.07. Installed FSX as administrator in default directory. Changed FSX Default directory permission for all users to full, (took i/2 an hour to complete). Install FSUIPC4 as amin'. All joysticks calibrated under vista. All references in FSX for joysticks removed to be handled by FSUIPC4. My Problem: All buttons on all joysticks work fine. NO Axis are registering at all anyone got any ideas? Many Thanks
  7. Hi Just a quickie, I have managed to set the reverse thrust on my jet using FSUPIC4. However, I can't seen to get the reverse thrust to work fully. If I press F2 they work fine but the levers I use only partially engage the reverse thrust. I am using two levers with a deadzone for idle then back fully on the levers for reverse. I have tried increasing the deadzone and lowering the fully reverse figures to try it manually. settings I have used roughtly are: +16300,500,-1100,-16380 +16300,500,-1100,-15000 Full extent of axis is +16300 to -16380 roughly and 256 as the step part. Many Thanks for any assistance.
  8. Sorry if I did not make myself clear. I have built a home made panel and a thruster control. The panel is using a usb keyboard card as an emulator, so it is like a second keyboard. Each of the buttons represent a keypress. I just want to use an on/off toggle for the lights as in real life rather than a keypress. The toggle would be on a keypress until I turn off the lights a release. Just bouncing ideas off you could the thruster box which has three buttons, could I use those as toggles and just pulse so no constant keypress and turn off on release. Thanks Pete
  9. Pete Thanks for the excellent work you have and still are putting in to FSUIPC, great software. A quick simple question, after reading through all the docs and pdf I find I still have to ask you one more. Can you do away with a relay for using a toggle switch to turn the lights on and off. Or would it cause a keyboard repeat. The P is for pulse on the button programming so am I right to assume that this could be similar for the keyboard. Obviously removing the keyboard assignment in FS and rely on fsuipc to do it all.
  10. Found it Cheers Pete. p.s. when calibrating for 'Aircraft Specific' it saves for that aircraft, okay. So why when you want to make changes, is the 'Aircraft Specific' greyed out so you can't untick to save as for a default aircraft, e.g. flaps? When checking the ini file the flaps bit is saved in the 'Aircraft Specific' not default. Is it safe to cut and paste it back into the default 'Joytick Calibration'?
  11. Sorry about that had to do it though. FSUIPC4 & FSX I have setup one of my axis for the flaps. Used the Axis Assignment and calibration okay. The only problem I am getting is the flaps go from off to full in just 45 degs of the axis. Where as the axis is about 110 degs. Is there any way of spacing the increments out over the whole axis. regards Tony
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