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Everything posted by Basilrug

  1. Thank you. I have downloaded and it looks good! I did not remove the default KLAX just for fyi. Initially when I did that with v 1.3 I had instant CTD at KLAX. So I left it in for v 1.4. So far I don't see any duplicate buildings or performance issues.
  2. OK. Yes there's no sign of it yet. Thanks.
  3. Was the new version released? I don't see it in the Simmarket App?
  4. That's great thank you
  5. P.S. How would I know if I'm seeing the Feelthere KLAX? The traffic issue is gone, but I'm not sure I'm seeing the correct KLAX?
  6. I just updated MSFS to SU11 and I think the issue is fixed..?
  7. Yes, nothing really ground traffic related, and they are the same mods when this issue did not occur. This may have started after the SU10 update. Thanks RC
  8. Hi... I posted before about a crashing issue when the Asobo KLAX was removed. After it was put back the Feelthere KLAX seemed ok. There is a new issue with a random stream of cars crossing the runway, see attached pic to get an idea. You'll see one car on the middle right of the picture. This is actually a constant stream of traffic that disappears as it crosses the runway. Is there any way to just disable this traffic leaving everything else intact? Thanks.
  9. Yes it seems to be ok with Asobo LAX for me.
  10. Intel I9 CPU, 32gb ram, GeForce 1080Ti video, M.2 hard drive, Windows 10 Pro. I decided to install it without removing the Asobo LAX and it seems to work. I don't see duplication of things, and I do see some of the new features, so we can leave it, unless you need anything else from me. Thanks
  11. No on PC.
  12. Hello There, My MSFS was completely stable, purchased and installed LAX (removing the Asobo version first). Sim crashes on loading at ANY airport selected. Removed community folder contents except FeelThere LAX, same result. Uninstalled FeelThere LAX and put back Asobo LAX, Sim now works normally with all Community mods back in. What to do? Thanks Ralph Cooper
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