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Posts posted by Firebird56

  1. John,

    You know that I reported my issues with autostart in another thread that I can't get resolved, but I am not going to go over that again.

    The reason that I posted is something that maybe be relevant to all reported cases of a similar matter. I just read the latest 3 month bug report from Asobo and surprisingly I saw at number #8 'SPAD, NeXt and FSUIPC Seems to be causing CTD' with the notation 'Fixed in SU9'. The obvious inference being that there were crashes in at least SU8 and possibly below and they altered some code in SU9 specifically to do with FSUIPC.

    Are you aware of what they specifically did in relation to FSUIPC, as it would seem that this maybe a likely cause of the issues that some people are getting since the SU9 upgrade.

  2. Whilst I was waiting for you to respond, I had a thought and carried out some more testing. What I found is that the issue IS either related to the EXE.xml. I am not saying that it is causing it, merely that the cause is related to it.

    What I decided to do was carry out a test with a clean Community folder with just the fsuipc-lvar-module in it. Hey presto! FSUIPC started automatically.

    Fortunately I use MSFS Addons Linker to manage my addons which makes the admin of the next part a lot easier. So I started to add them one group at a time and re-test. All successful until one section when it failed so I started the load only part of the total process to narrow down the issue to an addon.

    What I found was quite strange. It failed at 45 out of the 91 addons, so by a process of elimination I went down to 15 addons and it loaded OK. It failed at 20, 17 and 16. So I expected it to load when i went back to 15. It did not. I tried the first 10 and it failed again. Cleared out everything bar fsuipc-lvar-module again and it was again successful.

    So I started again and it failed in an earlier group than the first attempt. The same attempts to clear the problem hit the same issues.

    So at the moment my best guess is that it seems that the issue is related to the addons matrix that MSFS builds on startup. It is currently the only thing that makes sense from the tests, i.e the problem does not manifest itself at the same place each time. How exactly this is preventing the EXE.xml loading I don't know. Whether it is related to the number of addons you have or your system memory, again I currently can't tell.

    Hopefully this is useful in identifying the root cause.

  3. Absolutely no problem.

    As I said before I have uninstalled/reinstalled the two versions several times. What I can say is that the folder is D:\FSUIPC7 which is its original location. I have double checked and the FSUIPC7.exe does NOT have admin rights set

    The folder security has 4x group/users set. CREATOR OWNER, SYSTEM, Administrators and Users. SYSTEM and Administrators are set to full control. Users is set for Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read and Write. Finally CREATOR OWNER is set for Special Permissions only.

    Although I did change various things though various tests, the current installation has had nothing altered.

    Anything else that you would like?

  4. OK some update.

    Firstly checked the .bat file and you were correct in that the line to start was commented out. It then ran OK, even with the delay line commented out. It started almost straight away but worked with no problem.

    i tried uninstalling FSUIPC and moving it to the default location. I tried altering various folder permissions but nothing worked.

    What does work is the MSFS.bat although I would prefer not to use that, for personal reasons. Also starting it manually is fine, plus starting as an autorun on system startup works.

    I checked MSFS for errors running EXE.xml and there was nothing.


    So to some up. It runs every way you can think off EXCEPT the autostart. It seems that there is no error in MSFS concerning EXE.xml. Now I would agree that if there was a general error you would have had a lot more people reporting this, or I would like to think so, so it must be a certain set of circumstances that a minority hit that causes it not to work.

    The only file that I can think of that might be of some use that you haven't seen is the FSUIPC7.ini file so i have attached it here.

    The only other pieces of info that I can think of is that my FSUIPC is not registered, I am not using WideFS7. I am using the -FastLaunch option for MSFS, but I do not think this is a factor as the MSFS.bat starts it that way as well.

    So any other ideas or suggestions that you can think of, or debug info that I can provide?

    The only other option I can think of is completely uninstalling MSFS and reinstalling but I would rather not go down that route UNLESS the cause for problem is identified.


  5. John, Thanks for responding.

    I have read the posts of the other person who had problems but the FSUIPC7 folder had the normal user settings, and I had set the exe to not run in admin mode. I did my individual user settings to the exe but that made no difference either.

    I then tried the MSFS.bat file launch and that also fails to work.

    I am going to try some other folder settings and any thing else I can think of but I am willing to try anything else you can think of.


    Something changed in SU9 that has caused this, as two versions failed to be launched automatically after update. I feel confident in ruling out FSUIPC7, with the info I have.

  6. John,

    I have also had a problem with this happening.

    It only started happening after I updated to SU9 yesterday afternoon. I had v7.2.10 running quite happily before that. Post upgrade to MSFS the FSUIPC7 splash did not start. Nothing appeared in the system tray.

    tried running FSPanelServer but it sat waiting for FSUIPC7.


    I considered that I might need the latest version so upgraded to 7.3.3 and tried again. Exactly the same. So I startedFSUIPC7 manually and FSPanelServer connected.

    So after reading the docs I tried to clear everything out. Uninstalled 7.3.3, renamed the EXE.xml file, ensured that fsuipc-lvar-module was gone from the community folder.

    Reinstalled 7.3.3 to autostart. Checked the backed up EXE.xml file with the regenerated one and found that it was the same. Checked the Community folder and fsuipc-lvar-module was there.

    Still no splash screen on MSFS start, still nothing in the system tray, also no FSUIPC7.log file generated. Again once I started it manually, FSUIPC7 appeared in system tray. I even tried setting FSUIPC7 to administrator mode.

    The only other relevant info that I can think of is that I am running the latest Windows 11 21H2 version 22000.652


    I think I have exhausted everything I can to be helpful. It seems that the issue is that the fsuipc-lvar-module does not get run under SU9, or at least that and the combination of the latest version of Windows 11.

    Install file and exe.xml files attached. Let me know if you need something else.

    InstallFSUIPC7.zip EXE.zip

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