I could not agree more, ill try a few more things, maybe a question for you, by presets you do mean a module that was created for the specific aircraft right?
I am using a module which apparently was designed with the mcp combo panel 2. All works vua Linda with fsuipc running but my spd and hdg rotate waaaay too fast for smooth changes, once that happens it is no longer synced unless i manually change the speed with the mouse in the cockpit.
I know im close to figuring it out but out of options.
I use latest fsuipc, latest linda, fbw latest module loaded via linda. I made all necessary changes in ini file. Installed linda in fsuipc folder. I added the event files in the folder and added it in the ini as well. I have 1600 lvars and 220 hvars, no errors in linda, fsuipc also running smoothly.
Then i load msfs first fsuipc 2nd or autoconnect then linda. Sitting in the cockpit i move the hdg and bang all goes down the drain! Hdg moves out of sync after say 5 deg left or right, just seems the knob movements are too sensitive. Spd is the same