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  1. Ok lets forget Linda, what guide do i need to follow to install via fsuipc to get the fbw up and running. Lvars are loaded and hvars as well I wont use Linda and ill test with fsuipc. I also tried axis and ohs. Im really trying everything!
  2. I can confirm the module is not working with my mcp 1, i still get the issues. Where i would like help is if fsuipc can slow down the speed of the rotating knobs, also if i can achieve a functional mcp panel without linda be my guest ill follow any recommendations. Again default planes work with or without linda, so i need support without linda if thats what you can provide Having said that if fsuipc has nothing to do with this i apologize and will post in another forum. The way i see it is fsuipc is the brain behind it!
  3. **update** Default aircraft hdg and spd now running smoothly, now need to figure out fbw something is up, any other ideas, yes im using linda but limited support, ill try asking there again!
  4. Linda wont support it without having the mcp panel 1 but if it can work without linda im willing to try at this point nothing to lose. As for hubhop i have no idea what it is or does yet so not able to mess with it until i learn it. I guess i need to if i want to use fsuipc without linda. Sorry but im not a programmer so i wanted a plug and play module or preset.
  5. Does this work with msfs, and the fbw a320?
  6. I could not agree more, ill try a few more things, maybe a question for you, by presets you do mean a module that was created for the specific aircraft right? I am using a module which apparently was designed with the mcp combo panel 2. All works vua Linda with fsuipc running but my spd and hdg rotate waaaay too fast for smooth changes, once that happens it is no longer synced unless i manually change the speed with the mouse in the cockpit. I know im close to figuring it out but out of options. I use latest fsuipc, latest linda, fbw latest module loaded via linda. I made all necessary changes in ini file. Installed linda in fsuipc folder. I added the event files in the folder and added it in the ini as well. I have 1600 lvars and 220 hvars, no errors in linda, fsuipc also running smoothly. Then i load msfs first fsuipc 2nd or autoconnect then linda. Sitting in the cockpit i move the hdg and bang all goes down the drain! Hdg moves out of sync after say 5 deg left or right, just seems the knob movements are too sensitive. Spd is the same
  7. Thanks, im mot assigning anything as a module was created for the fbw. I am attempting to use Linda but they dont have the mcp combo panel so not much support understandably. Im trying to find users that got it working. Im even willing to buy pmdg if the panel works with their aircraft. I currently own a mcp combo 1 and a cdu2, both of which worked flawlessly with a tool called serialfp2. Equipment costed almost $1000. It worked with pmdg and level d back in the day in fsx. I have used fsuipc for many different things registered version over the years. Ive been away from simming due to family matters. Now im back and seeing lots has changed, some good some for the bad. My first attempt is to get a working plane with my hardware.
  8. Just trying to get visibility on it, as it seems the issue is specific to the mcp combo panel 1 which has no supporr. Mcp panel 2 is working for most. Therr is not many people with mcp panel 1 anymore i beleive its equipment that i purchased like 15 years ago. Im trying to learn coding and trying different things, but honestly i dont know what to make of it, ir if its even possible anymore If someone has it working on a different plane ill change plane. It was flawless with level d 767 for fsx
  9. Is it ok do revive a post from 2011, im ok with doing just want to make sure.
  10. Hey all did anyone get mcp combo vrinsight to work properly with fbw a320, Need your help please
  11. What i dont understand is if i can use program fsuipc only to control my mcp without needing linda. Im not seeing where my issue is with the knobs not syncing, they move just at a bad interval. If i change heading in sim it syncs with mcp, if i turn knob im no longer synced at times by 40deg or 40 kts, totally unflyable
  12. Hi John, This has given me hope, thank you. I hope this will work with msfs and the fbw a320. Definately something to look into, sound like its possible, i was using Linda but no success with the mcp combi.
  13. I give up with my mcp combi $600 piece if equipment not working right, not all clickable buttons working, spd and hdg not synced to cockpit, just a mess takes away from enjoying fsim.
  14. Im experiencing issues though for the fbw 320, the knobs are not syncing it very jumpy or sticky stays at an altitude with no movements Hvars 220 lvars 1600 With or without linda my mcp responds the same way on all planes add ons; need to test default planes
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