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Posts posted by jfri57

  1. In my plane Sting S4 I have problem with the throttle axis. In general it works as supposed but frequently it makes jump to the middle position. And when I see the values in FSUIPC calibration the values does indeed make strange jumps. When I changed plane to C172 the problem was not there and then switch back to the Sting the problem was back. When I first assigned axes to it I selected them to be based on Just Flight Piper Arrow which is a plane where I have also seen this problem. So I removed the entry for the Sting under [Profile.Piper Turbo Arrow] with the intention to reset the Sting assigment and set up them from scratch again. But that does not work. Under msfs own control assigment I have empty profiles for my controllers which are TM Hotas Warthoug Joystick and Throttle. I find no duplicate assignment for the throttle. I attach my fsuipc.ini


  2. 5 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Your log only shows two offset control assignments on a button press and a release (same button), most probably setting the value of the lvar L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Ignition_1 (to 1 then 0), although I can't tell as I haven't seen your latest ini file:

    I see no use of that macro file.


    My latest ini file here


  3. 2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    I am very surprised that that macro is working...from the documentation:

    Also, TURBINE_IGNITION_SWITCH_SET1 is an event (k-type variable) and not an lvar
    Not 100% sure what that macro is actually doing due to these problems, but I suspect that, if anything, it will set the lvar L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Ignition_1 to 1 and then 0 (logging would tell).


    Well my log file is attached here


  4. 2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    You are using the presets KODIAK_100_IGNITION_SWITCH_ON (and _OFF, _TOGGLE). Your log shows that these are being triggered:

    If you look at the code for those presets, they use the TURBINE_IGNITION_SWITCH_SET1 event, not the lvar. The description of these presets also says 'Intended for latching switch.'.

    If presets don't work, then you need to ask about this on the MobiFlight Discord server - they manage the community-driven effort for these presets.
    But, if you know that the lvars work, as you have tested them, why don't you just use the presets that use the lvars (Starter Switch Off/Lo/Hi) instead?


    I got the starter switch working after following your suggestion. 

    But the ignition switch is still a problem. Selecting TURBINE_IGNITION_SWITCH_SET1 did not work

  5. 1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    Then you are not searching/looking correctly:


    How are you doing this? This indicates that changing the lvar has the desired affect. But if thats the case, I don't know what your issue is as you have also said that this is not working, so I'm confused now...

    Of course not! $Param can only be used in preset definitions, when the value will be substituted with the parameter you enter when you assign. If using calculator code directly, you need to put in the value. So, try
        0 (>L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Starter_ThreeState_1)
        1 (>L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Starter_ThreeState_1)
        2 (>L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Starter_ThreeState_1)

    But there is no need if you have already confirmed that changing the lvar has the desired affect. 

    If you need further assistance, please attach a relevant FSUIPC7.log file (i.e. with Event logging and Button & Key logging activated, and also Debug level logging activated for the WAPI, and showing your issue) together with your latest FSUIPC7.ini file.

    Also, maybe try reading the section on the WASM module and how to use presets, in the Advanced User guide.


    I was not using that HubHop which I am unfamiliar with. I have found it now and did find those presets. I tried the Add Preset button and Export button.

    Regarding how I set the lvar manually. In FSUIPC7 I select Addons WASM Set lvar
    and enter
    and a value for example 2 then press SET button
    Then the switch moves in the cockpit

    But when I select switch assignment and press my switch on throttle quadrant which is detected and then select a KODIAK listed preset like ignition or starter and a value then it does not work. So I still have an issue. The two files you asked for is attached

    FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini

  6. 4 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Looking at the MF HubHop site, I see 3 presets available for the Kodiak 100 starter switch: Starter Switch Off, Starter Switch Lo, Starter Switch Hi.
    These use the same lvar that your preset is using - L:SWS_ENGINE_Switch_Starter_ThreeState_1.

    There are a few other things you can check:
       - when you change the lvar value, does that stick (i.e. if you red/log the value afterwards, does it have thee value that you have set)?
       - when you change the state of the starter switch un the UI, does the lvar value change? Are any other events logged?
       - try setting the lvar using the WASM->Addons-<Execute Calculator Code menu option to set/change the lvar value. If that works, then there is a problem in your assignments. 

    However, remember FSUIPC only provides the mechanism for you to assign such calculator code to controllers and have it sent to the FS for action. If the calculator code/preset doesn't work, I cannot really help with this. especially i do not own the aircraft. I cannot possible know how all functions work for all aircraft...
    If FSUIPC7 is functioning correctly, i.e. the code you assigned is being sent to the FS/aircraft (which logging would tell you), and the calculator code (or whatever you are using) is not working, then the best place to ask about this is either on the Kodiak discord server (
    https://discord.com/invite/Ns7GkWW) or on the MobiFlight Discord server.

    In this post over on avsim, one user indicated he could get most things working using lvars/calculator code except for the ignition switch, while another user indicates that he got everything working with the help of MobiFlight: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/614394-sws-kodiak-100-control-problems


    I don't see any presets for Kodiak 100 starter switch.
    When I manually change the lvar value from inside FSUIPC the switch moves in the cockpit.
    When execute calculator code from WASM
    nothing happens

  7. On 6/18/2022 at 12:41 PM, John Dowson said:

    Alternatively, it is probably easier to use presets to control lvars these days as they are more powerful. To create presets for these, create a file (in your FSUIPC7 installation folder) called myevents.txt, and add the following content:

     You can then assign to the controls Preset:Milviz C310 Left Fuel Pump and  Preset:Milviz C310 Right Fuel Pump giving an appropriate parameter in the assignment.
    Again, i advise you to consult the documentation provided.

    I am now trying to apply that method on my newly purchased SWS Kodiak 100 and in some instances it does not work.

    First in the FSUIPC control menu I see that there already are some presets for the Kodiak to choose from. I did so and got the Aux bus and fuel pump to work. But doing the same thing for Ignition did not work. Why not I am doing the same thing as with the aux bus.

    Finally for the starter switch there are no preset already available so I created a file myevents.txt according to your instructions. In  it I have the line


    Then I assign a three way switch on my TM Hotas Warthog throttle to it. This does not work and I don't see way.
    My fsuipc.ini is attached

    EDIT I discovered that I missed the param word, my line in myevents are corrected to

    But that did not help. It still does not work


  8. 46 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    It will be a timing issue - the lvars you are using were not yet available when the WASM module scanned for available lvars. You need to increase the LvarScanDelay WASM ini parameter (i.e. in the FSUIPC_WASM.ini and not in the FSUIP7.ini). See the Advanced User guide for details - I recommend you set this in an FSUIPC_WASM.ini in the WASM permanent storage area, not in the one under your Community folder as this will get overwritten (again, see the Advanced User Guide for details).


    I copied the fsuipc_wasm.ini to the suggested work folder. I found no LvarScanDelay entry in it so I inserted one with value 7 (since I should increase the value which seem be 5 by default) I hope things were correctly understood

  9. I have problem with this again. Some of my assignments does not work. My log files contains these lines

    240860 **** Lvar 'C310_SW_PRIMER' not found: cannot add to offset 0x66C2
       240860 **** Lvar 'C310_SW_COWL_LEFT' not found: cannot add to offset 0x66C4
       240860 **** Lvar 'C310_SW_COWL_RIGHT' not found: cannot add to offset 0x66C5

    but my fsuipc7.ini has these lines


    And I have not edited these files since my last flight with this C310 plane and then it worked as intended.

    EDIT When I restarted MSFS it did work. But why not every time. And what could be causing the failure to find the Lvars ?

  10. 2 hours ago, John Dowson said:


    Your macro file is therefore (obviously, I hope...) not correct for various reasons, and should be


    If they are not correct I find a little bit strange that the fuel pumps switches are now working as intended for me

  11. 15 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Those entries are incorrect - you also need to specify the size if the offset, This tells me that you have not read (or have not understood) the documentation.
    I therefore suggest that you read the documentation on adding lvars to offsets which is in the WASM section of the Advanced User guide. This should also tell you what you need to assign your button to.

    Please always check the documentation first before requesting support.


    I had read the documentation otherwise I would not be able to suggest the lines I posted.

    I have changed those incorrect entries. Also changed my macro file where I discovered several errors in it and its filetype.
    Now I have been able to get the two fuel pumps to work as I intended. One thing that seem a little strange is that my macrofile only contains entries for the left pump but still the right pump could also be assigned to another switch. My new macro file is attached. I might be missing what the macro files need to contain. I first thought a separate macro file was needed for each switch


  12. In my Milviz C310 I have some controls where the documentation list L:lvars for example left and right fuel pumps.
    The documentation list this
    Left Fuel Pump Switch (L:C310_SW_FUEL_PUMP_LEFT, enum) 0=Up ,1=Center ,2=Down
    Right Fuel Pump Switch (L:C310_SW_FUEL_PUMP_RIGHT, enum) 0=Up, 1=Center, 2=Down
    Primer Switch (L:C310_SW_PRIMER, enum) 0=Left, 1=Center, 2=Right

    I understand that I need these entries in the fsuipic.ini som it contains these lines


    Then I find it difficult to know what to do

    I get the impression that I must create a macro file so I have made one which is attached.
    Is that correct ?

    Then I don't understand what to do ? How do I make a button to perform the actions ?


  13. 1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    First, you  have PropPitch1 assigned to two axes:

    This invariably causes issues due to different/conflicting values being sent by each axis.

    Also, this is incorrect:

    Hence the error in your log file:

    This (most probably) should be:

    Please see the Advanced User guide for details on the format and size designators you should be using. And always check your log file if/when adding lvars to offsets to check that it is being added as expected.

    Apart from that, the log shows the PropPitch axis behaving as expected. It would be useful to see the second log, but I think your issue could be that you are calibrating with a reverse zone - if there is no reverse zone, you need to check the No reverse Zone checkbox in the Prop Pitch calibration panel - try that.




    I have removed one of the prop1 assigned axes and also corrected the line with lvar

    Now it seem to work correctly after setting max and then at the detent min instead of feather

    I am not sure what you mean by No reverse zone. I see one box marked rev which I check otherwise lever full back gives max output value. I see no No reverse Zone setting option

  14. 1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    Can you show me your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files please. For the log file, activate Axes control logging, load your aircraft and move your assigned propeller axis through its full range, then exit FSUIPC before attaching (zip it if its too big to attach). A 2nd log file would also be useful, also with Axes logging activated, but this time use the cockpit UI controls to move the propeller levers through their full range.



    Here are the first two with log using hardware levers

    FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7log.rar

  15. I try to assign two propeller axis on my CH Throttle quadrant to my Milviz Cessna 310 in MSFS. The problem is I can't get the calibration correct. When pulling back the prop levers I see in the cockpit that they reach full idle before the levers are even halfway back. In FSUIPC calibration nothing seem strange. And I don't get this issue when I assigned the two mixture levers on the same throttle quadrant.

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