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    LA Paz, Bolivia

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  1. Thank you for your reply, Volker. Yes, I was aware that the Dawsons were on holidays, but a message was warranted, nonetheless. I did install all of the latest visual C+ files after I noticed the first installation error but there is no mention of having to install these as a pre-requisite and there is no mention of it at installation stage of FSUIPC. There is, however, a mention of these files at the installation problems section. If one carries out a fresh windows install, Visual C+ files are not installed by default. I have since my message, resolved the problem in the strangest of ways. I am located in Bolivia and what I did was to use a VPN to locate me in the US, and guess what?, it registered with no issues, and that is all I did. I did not realise that FSUIPC was location tagged and that Bolivia was restricted. Very odd. Maybe at the end of John's holiday he can look it up and let me know what he thinks of it. All the best for the Christmas season. Christian C.
  2. Hi, I had a PC failure recently that forced me to do a full installation of windows 11 plus all of the MSFS files and addons. Basically, I was not able to deregister any of the programs and addons associated with MSFS as well as others. I have now reinstalled windows and MSFS but when it came the time to install FSUIPC, first I had an issue with the registration. No matter what I did, I caould not register FSUIPC. I tried running as administrator, copy-pasted the registration the registration from simmarket and everytime I got the same error: "registration details for FSUIPC7 not valid - please re-enter and try again. It is recommended to copy/paste your details from your registration email from SimMarket". No matter what I do or how I do it, it always comes back to the same massage. Simmarket tell me that "We performed a your key test and seems everything is OK, validation passed" so I have run out of ideas what to do. If you are able to give me a hand, I will appreciate it as I am stuck for some of the bindings that I make use with FSUIPC. In case it is relevant, MSFS is installed in my C drive but the community folder is installed in the D drive, just like FSUIPC. I am not running any anti-virus software other than windows defender. Also, at running time the first time (as unregisterted) I got the message that "The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. I resolved that issue by installing: "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015". Await your comments and assistance, please. Christian Conesa. InstallFSUIPC7.log
  3. uncompressed 2MB, split it into 4 files so it fits FSUIPC7.part004.rar FSUIPC7.part003.rar FSUIPC7.part002.rar FSUIPC7.part001.rar
  4. Can't send the log file as the system only allows me to send a maximum of 17.92KB files. Please let me know how to get you the file.
  5. Jumped the gun. The issue came up aFSUIPC7.inigain with Leonardo's Maddog. Here are the files requested. Await your comments. Thank you.
  6. Thank you for your reply. It was enough for me to post in this forum for the whole thing to work fine... If I come across the problem described above again, I will make sure that I send you the files requested. Christian C./
  7. Hello, My FSUIPC program loads automatically and goes to the background as intended. I have recently noticed that the key bindings do not work properly and aren't taken into account until I exit FSUIPC and reload the program, then after a few seconds it all goes back to work as it should. I don't recall doing anything or installing anything that may have caused a problem or change. Have you come accross this matter before?. It is particularly noticeable with key assignments to the Bravo Throttle and used with the PMDG B737 and Maddog. I am using the latest official MSFS version with the latest FSUIPC version. Your assistance will be appreciated. All the best for this new year!. Christian C./
  8. I don't know what to tell you. I have not really modified the FSUIPC app. Would you want to send you the ini file so that you can check it (I have anyway)?. Simply put, the start engine on the trislander does not work with FSUIPC loaded. Christian. FSUIPC7.ini
  9. Hi, I have purchased the v7 of FSUIPC and I am finding that when I use the program, I am unable to start the engines from cold and dark. If I don't have FSUIPC loaded, no trouble with the engine start. Have you come across this issue?. All the best. Christian Conesa.
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