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  1. That is what I was looking for. In one of my previous posts, I am displaying asobo airports and trying to find it there. I didn't even know that there were microsoft airports too. Just thought it would be just be asobo. Thanks!
  2. Don't disagree with you there. The only instructions from Orbx is to simply uninstall "their" airport and not the default built in airport. The problem that I am trying to get an answer to is how do I remove _default_ airport before installing this one?
  3. Orbx has uninstall option in their GUI but uninstalling it will.. well.. uninstall the airport and that is not what I want, unless you are suggesting that I reinstall it which I have already tried and the problem does not go away.
  4. I did NOT install this using MSFS marketplace. I bought it from Orbx Central.
  5. How?! I looked into MSFS forums for that and they say it can't be done without some serious modding. Also they point to the developer to resolve this issue as a best bet.
  6. You mean from here? I don't see EDDS, only EDDF
  7. How do I remove Asobo version. I have the same issue as above.
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