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  1. Thank you for breaking it down like I'm two years old 😄 Much obliged!
  2. That worked, however I still don't fully understand what does what in that line of code, but thank you nonetheless. As for cowl flaps, "The preset calculator code to set an lvar value (without any calibration) is just "$Param (>L:lvarname)", and you give the parameter value in the assignment. Alternatively, you can hard-code the value into the preset and just use that." That is alien language to me, which I would like to learn 🙂 What I am trying to achieve: I have 3-way switch on my HOTAS, up and down positions has separate input, while middle is just off, so up should be Cowl flaps L:var_cowlFlapSwitch_L with value 1, down is value 2 and when I release the switch, value is 0. What do I write in the file for event to appear in IU to bind the switch? I checked existing presets, Duke has lots of them, but almost all are tertiary system controls not used often and many variables listed in the manual are missing.
  3. I am just starting to learn how to various variables and events to be able to assign aircraft controls to my HOTAS instead of clicking in the cockpit, however I am completely lost. I was able to assign mixture axis for BS Beech Piston Duke, but then I deleted the file by mistake and forgot how I did it. Duke manual just gives me a table of variables with decription, variable (L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1) and range, but I am completely confused as to how to add that to myevents.txt file so I can assign a hotas control to it in the UI. If someone could write some examples and what is what in the line, I would greatly appreciate it as it'll give me a starting point. I am also trying to assign Left/right ignition switch (mags) which is L:BKSQ_IgnitionPosition_1 with range 0-5, and Cowl flaps L:var_cowlFlapSwitch_L, where 1=open and 2=close. events.txt came with presets for various other aircraft, so I'd like to do the same for the Duke, unless there is a already a file somewhere with all the controls in it. Thank you very much
  4. Indeed you are correct, as I have edited my above post when I realized what happened. I am just learning the advanced functions of FSUIPC, so I made a mistake. All is okay now, you can close or delete this thread. Thank you for your excellent work!
  5. @John Dowson Thanks for reply, however, events.txt (not myevents) was indeed deleted and is in the log. I didn't have myevents.txt at all. After reinstalling, it wasn't readded. My folder after reinstall: Someone else's for comparison: Is it possible for you to upload it for me? Or how can I get it back myself? EDIT: I think I know what happened: events.txt is related to Mobiflight? If so, then I added few lines into that one, instead of making myevents.txt which will stay preserved. Not realizing this, during reinstall, I didn't select Mobiflights option. UninstallFSUIPC7.log
  6. I hastily reinstalled FSUIPC and realized myevents file is gone with all the presets I had for various addons I use (PMDG, Fenix, Blacksquare, etc), including some I added myself. I had FSUIPC installed for a few years without using any advanced functions until few days ago when I added couple of lines for Blacksquare aircraft in that file, which already had probably few hundred various presets/events in there. Is it possible to recover this file somehow? If I remember, it should be in the installation folder? Thank you kindly
  7. Thanks for suggestion, but I have already tried this. I spend better part of a day testing various conditions, orders of starting things up, etc before I posted here what the problem is.
  8. Thank you for replying. I like hearing/reading it from a developer 🙂 I run P3Dv5 and MSFS in parallel, both with PMDG and FSUIPC and so far only issue has been Autosave in MSFS, but I can deal with it. Cheers
  9. I have never had this problem since FS9. And this is not small freeze, my sim completely stopped even overnight.
  10. I have potentially narrowed it down to Autosave function. Disabled it for now, will continue testing.
  11. Since I updated 737 to .31 version, after loading into the aircraft, MSFS effectively freezes if FSUIPC is running. Screen is frozen and 1 frame skips over every 20 seconds or so, while MainThread ms turns into 6 digit numbers. Moments after turning off FSUIPC, MSFS unfreezes and life goes on and viceversa. I have spent last few days tracking this down and it's 100% FSUIPC caused, specifically with PMDG 737. At this time, 737 is unusable because I've been using FSUIPC since FS9 days to set up my controllers and it's used by various external programs for Virtual Airlines and online flying. See this thread where we've tried narrowing it down https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/209238-sim-freezes-before-clicking-ready-to-fly
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