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About isiattie

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hello I remember there was a post about this specific trouble somewhere but Ive been searching for over an hour and its a little easier to ask this way. I need please some help on what I need to do to configure the CH Throttle Quad with FSUipic to work with Airbus Vol 2. I think I had to uncheck something in the throttle calibration of the specific aircraft and I think i also needed to asign one throttle lever to all engines. Can somebody please refresh my mind? Currently, sometimes the throttles dont respont, or if they do, the AT does not arm after take off Cheers to all
  2. Thanks for the Reply Pete. I got that worked out perfectly now. I dont know if this is the right forum to ask but, now, im having quite some trouble with Level D. Im calibrating as I calibrate all of PMDG and PSS but the aircraft behavies strange. The Autopilot gets activated, but it does not follow instructions. VNAV and LNAV are set but the aircraft doesn´t respect speed or heading or course track. Could you maybe please point me in the right direction.? I got most of the calibration issues with FSUIPIC almost settled and understood. Best regards! Isi PS. How was your vacation in south America?
  3. Hello! I want to know if there are any suggestions on how to calibrate the throttles for the PSS777 using FSUIPIC and the CH Throttle Quad. Everything is working out ok excepte when im in the ground with engines idle and i guess the rev. are very sensitive the the aircraft beacuse they start going to reverse thrusts when levers are in idle. I have set the Throttle cut button for that position and still they go into rev. trhusts. any ideas?
  4. Its ACtive Camera version 2.1 Im going to try and download FSUPIC and install it over again and try everything from the begining... Ill delete every file from my currend modules and replace it with the new one. Hopefully this will work.... Regards
  5. I went into my main modules folder "C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules" and looked at the FSUPIC.dll and the version is 3.7.1. Ive had trouble before with loading another flight at startup so I always start with the default FS flight (cessna at Seattle) and move my way from there. Active Sky is running before I open my FS. I first get weather and route weather and then I load up FS (you think this might be it? Pardon my ignorance...lol...the FSUPIC.INI is the file that has a notepad with a little yellow screw? I have a .dll, a Key file, a notepad file and then this other file... BTW I forgot to mention I also have ACtive Camera. Cheers.
  6. Thanks Pete. Its version 3.71. Ill post or send you an email with the log using the unregistered version since the registered version doesnt even let me get to choosing the modules menu, it closes imediately after the plane loads in the defult flights runway. As of Add Ons, I do have quite a few (all registered and payware) PSS 777 LevelD 767 PMDG 747 amd 737 (all variations) Active Sky 6 Flight Environment Ground Environment Pro. My registration key is not pirated, It was purchased via simmarket just a couple of days ago. Thanks for the support.
  7. Hi. I bought a registration key for FSUPIC and followed the instructions to register it, but Im having some strange behaviour with my FS. 1. I opened FS and opened FSUPIC. Entered my Key and reg. details 2. I restarted FS as the module indicated. 3. I started a normal default flight and selected my PSS add on and no sound was heard. 4. I closed FS and restarted it again and after pressing the "fly now" button with the default Cessna flight, FS shuts down just as the airplane is loaded into the runway. I tried several times and it kept doing the seme. (Im talking that it doesnt even last a second). Just loads the flight and shuts down imediately. I started FS again and chose the default flight fro the "select a flight" menu and it loaded up ok. I saved it and went to try again starting FS as I normaly do........blup....shuts down imediately again. Maybe I need to do something else with FSUPIC??? -Current STatus - I restored my system to an earlier date and opened FS to check that FSUPIC is not registered. Thanks for your help.
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