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CTo last won the day on August 21 2022

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  1. Thanks for the reply. The 777 ini file is enabled. I worked around with FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVar("L:FOBaroKnob", -1); which seems to work. Greetings
  2. Hi, I try to change the baro via simulating mouse wheel up/down. It works with PMDG 737 but not with the PMDG 777 (MSFS). Any hints? sendPMDGControl(PMDG_777X_Control.EVT_EFIS_FO_BARO, PMDGMouseCode.WheelDown); Is there any way to make this work or otherwise set the BARO? Thanks
  3. Just for updating: Nobody knowing on the Mobiflight Discord also. So I guess it's just not possible (yet) until they perhaps some day make it accessible ...
  4. Thanks for the reply. yes, its about the Horizon 787-9. I didnt find anything in the Model Debug of MSFS yet. So I quoted my question to the mobiflight discord ... Let's see if anyone has a solution. Cheers, Chris
  5. Hi, I wonder if there is any way to access the i.ex. INIT button in the glass cockpit style touch display CDU/FMC of the 787-900. The mobiflight presets show only options for the "real" buttons, like H:AS01B_FMC_1_BTN_NEXTPAGE but nothing like H:AS01B_FMC_1_BTN_INIT or similar. Is there any way to access these "soft" keys programmatically? Greetings Chris
  6. Thank you for clearing this up. Do you also have a hint why the pmdg.LTS_AntiCollisionSw.Value returning "0" even when i.ex. the light is turned on? Regards
  7. Hello, I would like to know how to set with MSFS PMDG 737-700 the PMDG AntiCollision Lights via its variable: I tried: PMDG_737_NGX_Offsets pmdg = new PMDG_737_NGX_Offsets(); pmdg.RefreshData(); Console.WriteLine("AC Lights: " +pmdg.LTS_AntiCollisionSw.Value.ToString()); pmdg.LTS_AntiCollisionSw.Value = 0; FSUIPCConnection.Process(); This showing always "AC Lights: 0" and also it does not change the lights status, no matter if it was on or off. I know that I could set this specific light also by sending PMDG Control left mouse button click on the EVT_OH_LIGHTS_ANT_COL, but also for this it would be good to be able to read its status first and also this does not work well for more complex tasks. Any hints appreciated! Thanks Chris
  8. Ok, tx. It must have happened that I extracted and replaced into an existing folder which caused the fuss ... Sorry!
  9. try { FSUIPCConnection.Open(); } catch (FSUIPCException ex) { // Error occured so alert the user MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed. " + ex.Message); } if (FSUIPCConnection.IsOpen) { // connection opened okay FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVar("S_OH_EXT_LT_BEACON", 1); } That is C# and would turn on the Fenix A320' Beacon Light. Of course it's requiring a reference to Paul Henty's DLL ("using FSUIPC;") Cheers
  10. Thanks for that hint, Paul! And good news: With FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVAR() I can finally write again the LVARS with Beta 10 SU (in my case Fenix A320 LVARS) ... cool! For the time after Beta: It would ofc be nice if this would work again with MSFSVariableServices ... 🙂 Greetings
  11. Same here. I read somewhere that they use a "Wasm Legacy Approach" via Offset 0x0D70 which seems to work with the Beta. I guess you would need to read/write to this directly i.ex. FSUIPCConnection.Process(); ... so far, I have not seen a working example ... Any hints welcome 🙂
  12. Hi all, I went to the fsuipc.com page, downloaded the "FSUIPC 7.3.7 for MSFS" and ended up with the Install_FSUIPC7. Extracting and running this installed me an outdated version of FSUIPC (7.2.10 and not 7.3.7) ... Is this how it should be? If it is, how can I easily update to the latest version? Thanks
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