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Everything posted by tango3000

  1. I added again ignoreDevice=0xFFFF,0xFFFF into the [Joy Names] section of the FSUJIPC7.ini file and then reran the FSUIPC7.7.4.12 installer This time devices are now correctly detected and work ok.
  2. Didn t work because I have (vendor = 0000 product id = 0004.) Any idea ?
  3. Hi, I have the same problem, 2 device are ignored now by FSUIPC (vendor = 0000 product id = 0000). Those are special electronic cards devices: IOCard_USB_Axe made by Opencockpit.com (connected B737 TQ Throttle Quadrant) They probably never had vendor id or product id. I have been using those card with FSUIPC since fsx ! I will try the solution above. Thank you again for FSUIPC i use since many years !
  4. Hi John, FSUIPC7 (7.3.9h) SU10 same errors as reported before 16469 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4830, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=65820 (THROTTLE1_SET), data=1811 16547 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4831, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=65820 (THROTTLE1_SET), data=886 16578 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4832, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=66420 (AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET), data=-16384 16594 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4833, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=65820 (THROTTLE1_SET), data=461 16625 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4834, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=66420 (AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET), data=-16186 none of the throttle move in the cockpit A320, CS777...
  5. OK, thank you. I use the console of FSUICPC and messages are seen during the start of the flight. Ask me if you need any more information. Good night
  6. Tested with 2 aircrafts (CS 777 and standard A320 Neo)
  7. Here is an extract of logs because of size limit FSUIPC7 log.7z
  8. Hello John, Same problem with this last version. I will send the log in the next message FSUIPC7.ini
  9. Thank you John for your quick response, I will try tonight and send you more info if the problem is not solved...
  10. same problem...
  11. Hello Pete, I have been using your great product since more 20 years and first time I have an unsolve issue The throttles work fine when checking with windows Control Pannel / Game Controlers But in the FSUIPC logs: Extract from logs: MSFS 2020 / Windows 10 FSUIPC ********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.3.8 (28th August 2022) by John Dowson ********* Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 14015, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=66420 (AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET), data=-16186 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 14045, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=66423 (AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET), data=-16181 First time I have those problems. Is it related to SU10 not sure The throttle are not moving in MSFS 2020 Any idea ?
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