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Everything posted by Cloud8.5

  1. Thanks John, gonna check this out, thanks UPDATE: it works!! Good Job! Thanks!!
  2. …and where is it? cannot find the correct Link
  3. This Version also not run…
  4. @Cloud8.5 You have you mixture1 axis assigned to 'send to FS as normal control' but have calibrated: Mixture1=-10130,8192,8192,16247/32 Remove that line. I don't know why the throttle assignment is giving errors - can you try in another/default aircraft. Wilco asap ok got it
  5. Me too! And normally the new version of FSUIPC7 (7.3.9h) [installed yesterday] should work with the SU10, but it doesn’t. I haven't (never) changed anything in the settings. Ran hitherto as already mentioned and is known until the SU10.
  6. Thx. Wilco UPDATE: FSUIPC Version 7.3.9h Even here no changes. Same, same. Used another Poti at the second BU Board (free) in/out -16383 16383. Futher it makes no difference if i gonna use the calibration or as normal axis. Actual Logs attached. Cheers FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  7. ##FSUIPC7 start again, new settings. RAW Data can be read at all.## means, during i am moving the Lever/s (in/out „RAW“ Data) -8536 / 16383 inside FSUIPC7 window, obvious, means also Signal from Controller (Lever) reach FSUIPC7. But that want go forward to Cockpit. Obviously seems nothing to be different to the working FSUIPC7 before. ##I need to see your FSUIPC7.log file as well as your FSUIPC7.ini to start with....## coming soon UPDATE: here it is FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  8. ## so @Cloud8.5 must be assigning orcalibrating incorrectly ## It‘s like i said also before. FSUIPC7 ran flawlessly up to this mentioned newest MSFS2020 update. I had already made axis settings here before and the axes worked in the JF PA28 and Carenado Seninole without any malfunction! I already used FSUIPC in fs9, FSX. Then i reset FSUIPC7 (only use axes) All axes have been removed from MSFS2020 too. Restart: No changes Deinstall and Re-Install and Register FSUIPC7 was successful. No Changes. Even in the settings it makes No difference wheter i send the commands as calibrated or as normal axis. Then i set the axis back/ assigend in MSFS2020. Then i installed as already described Axis&Oh‘s Programm to Check out what happens. First JF PA28 worked very well, Carenado Seminole not. MSFS2020 axis deleted once again. Axis&Ohs restart. JF PA28 and Carenado Seminole work without any problems in Axis&Ohs. FSUIPC7 start again, new settings. RAW Data can be read at all. Controller Board L. Bodnar and 10K Poti stable Control. proceed - but No Action into that aforementioned Aircrafts. It seems that the Connection btw FSUIPC7 and MSFS2020 doesn’t work. At next i ll offer the .ini File. cheers
  9. ONCE again, i checked it furthermore l. FSUPC7 as normal Axis without calibration. Axis Throttle1 Set. RAW Data -8536 / 16383. Controler-Board is working. But nothing happens in the Aircraft. Another Test with Axis&Ohs, at first á malfunction! Saw RAW Data little tumbling but the Slider wasn‘t moving! All Axis in MSFS2020 deleted. Start another attempt. UPDATE: JustFlight PA28 works with A&O, Carenado Seminole at second not. Gonna check this out with FSUIPC7! SECOND UPDATE: No Chance to get on with FSUIPC7 also not in the aforementioned PA28 or Carenado Seminole. THIRD UPDATE: Carenado Seminole now works on Axis&Ohs! Also PA28. Fault in FSUIPC7 at all to get on with Axis. I guess there is a big bug by the last MSFS2020 Update after which no connection is established to connect and calibrate other Controllers into the Simulator by FSUIPC7. Buttons not checked. Maybe there are individual cases where it works. FSUIPC7 worked before without any malfunction til this last Update. If i can do some Checks for help let me know (Axis&Ohs is Running. Malfunction in FSUIPC7 by newest MSFS2020 update) if i can do few Checks let me know thx
  10. Ok got it. Thank you for that. The thing is that MSFS2020 is forced to import updates without a Choice. No Stress. Thank you, appreciate it.
  11. Thanks for help and redirecting to this postings. The issue is the same that i am able to recognize the RAW Data of axes in FSUIPC 7 and able to asign, but since that evening after the newest Update oft MSFS2020 in the Aircraft nothing happens! No axis move. I guess SU9 and 10 means SoftwareUpdate or an Aircraft? Never heared before. I'm curious if this can be solved! Setting axes in the MSFS2020 is nonsense. - reg FSUIPC7 connected - able to see, set and adjust axis - msfs2020 = No axis move!!
  12. Hello everybody, since tonight there is a very unusual Problem with registered FSUIPC7 after the newest MSFS2020 Update (…/Local/MSFSPACKAGES). Yesterday evening without any malfunctions! Until this evening: - FSUIPC7 registered - Axes Throttle 1, 2, were provided - Axes Prop 1, 2, were provided - Axes Mixture 1, 2, were provided Axes was all set and calibrated recognized. Worked very well! After Update this evening: - MSFS2020 running - FSUIPC7 running and connected - Axes on tab recognized and also asigned But nothing happens on/in the Aircraft, no Lever is moving! That is very strange. So FSUIPC7 can no longer be used!! Thanks for help Max
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