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Everything posted by Kentinou

  1. Oh my god it's finaly working !!!! Thank you so much !! The problem was the 737_Options.ini, I changed my hard disk C from D but MSFS recreate folders here C:\Users\bossq\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\ Packages\pmdg-aircraft-737\work\ but I didn't know that, so I update Options_ini on both disk, C and D ! Thank again !
  2. OK so the location of MSFS is not the problem you agree ? Yes I correct them like you write : [SDK] EnableDataBroadcast=1 Location for 737_Options.ini is: (737-700) D:\Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\pmdg-aircraft-737\work Location for 737_Options.ini is: (737-800) D:\Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\pmdg-aircraft-738\work I just made a new FSUIPC.log document and you will see every events when I press switches I also tried to run FSUIPC as admin and I have this message in mobiflight, when FSUIPC start with MSFS I don't have this message. Would it be easier for you with teamviewer ? FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  3. My MSFS folder is D:\Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator and the old folder was C:\Users\bossq\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator. That's because I needed to change my hard disk because he was full. I posted twice because one for 737-700 and one for 737-800. I selected Debug string just to try if it change something When i go in event in FSUIPC I can see when I turn a knob for exemple i turned FLT ALT FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  4. I mean, if the path is wrong FSUIPC can't have good information to work ? I uninstall FSUIPC and re-install, and check the PMDG option, you can see in FSUIPC7.log : 61375 PMDG 737 offsets enabled But still doesn't work 😞 I think i'm going to leave this thing. FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini 737_Options.ini 737_Options.ini
  5. I just opened it and I Think the problem is my MSFS folder. I changed my hard disk for MSFS because I didn't have enough space. Can you please tell me how to change the path in FSUIPC to put the good one ? I can change it directly in FSUIPC.1.log ? Thank you for your help FSUIPC7.1.log FSUIPC7.ini
  6. Still not working i really don't know what's wrong 😞
  7. With msfs2020 and mobiflight ?
  8. Thank you for your answer. I will try 🙂
  9. *** Moved from Announcements sub-forum to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hello everybdoy, I would like some help please, I'm trying to use a display for FLT ALT and LAND ALT with mobiflight and 737 PMDG. I've already done a FMC, a MCP, EFIS and finally a overhead. For all of this things I never used a offset, only mobiflight event. But for FLT and Land ALT there is no event. I have the last version of FSUIPC (7.3.11) and I ve modified the options.ini file. I tried with all offset (old and new). But it doesn't work at all... I've asked to Jaime and he doesn't know where is the problem. If someone have an idea ? Thank you
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