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Posts posted by Bonky

  1. Hi there,

    Ive just recently installed the new FSUIPC7 for MSFS and have loved using it so far with the FBW A32NX mod for the 320NEO - so Pete, THANK YOU!!

    However, I do have a few issues I would like to see if someone can provide the answer to. I want to assign the APU Bleed button to a switch on my throttle quadrant, but can’t seem to find the right command. I have APU_BLEED_AIR_SOURCE_TOGGLE, and APU_BLEED_AIR_SOURCE_SET - but these do absolutely nothing in sim. 

    Secondly, I can’t seem to find commands to the following items:

    1. T.O Config TEST

    2. Crew Supply Oxygen

    3. CALLS - All (dinging the cabin)

    4. Emergency Exit Lights

    5. Transponder: STBY, TA, TA/RA

    6. Transponder, NAV: STBY, AUTO, ON

    I know in previous versions of FSUIPC you could create a simply mouse macro and then assign a button or switch to this custom macro, but there does not seem to be an option to do this in the latest version :((((

    Any and all help appreciated!



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