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Posts posted by L_ego

  1. On 12/17/2022 at 9:55 AM, FabioMerlo said:


    DEC22 Update Released

    After the public release of FlightControlReplay version 5 last month, for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D 5.x, the development priorities have been oriented towards the most demanded improvements : more aircraft add-ons supported, and improved Replay for smooth and accurate operation.




    Unlike the PMDG 737 in MSFS, there were more bug reports from users flying the Airbus A320 of Fenix. This DEC2022 update should significantly enhance your experience, to ensure the best accuracy in the animated parts of your airliner during Replay. FlightControlReplay 5 supports the events of the Flaps, Gears, Ailerons, Spoliers, Reverse Thrust and Slats.




    I know that many of you want to enjoy nice views of your airliner during of after the flight session. That’s why I worked to implement the advanced support of new airliners and also the introduction of the helicopters support for the first time in FlightControlReplay 5.


    • MSFS iniBuilds A310 support for ailerons, spoilers, flaps, thrust reversers, elevators and rudder
    • MSFS Just Flight Bae 146 Professional support with flaps, tail spoiler, elevators, flaps and rudder
    • MSFS Helicopter Cabri G2 full support for Cyclic Collectic Pedals Animations and most switches in cockpit
    • MSFS Helicopter Bell 407 support for Cyclic Collectic Pedals Animations




    No more exception during activation. Advice : Use always MSFS on the Primary Monitor of your setup in the case that you have various monitors for the display.




    New Algorithm Enhancements for Fast Forward and Slow Motion. Now the Slow Motion is very smooth !


    More performance, smoother Replay. You can set a target for your FPS setting in FCR options, so you can master the Frame Per Second Configuration. FCR respects the FPS setting value to ensure smooth Replay.




    Even the User Manual has been revised for a check of the visuals, and a new tutorial has been added : Replay and Record your glider with the towing airplane in MSFS, by using the Record Multi-Objects option of FlightControlReplay 5.


    The management of your recorded flight files (FCR) has been revised to let you choose various settings : a custom prefix in the filename, to let FlightControlReplay 5 generate automatically the filenames upon dates and hour, and the destination folder of your files is also easier to handle when you start for the first time with FCR5.




    This update is free for all registered users of FlightControlReplay 5. If you want to upgrade your older program FlightControlReplay v4.5, here are the main benefits for you :


    • User Interface 2022 (MSFS + P3D)
    • Customizable Size and Transparency (MSFS + P3D)
    • MSFS Toolbar integration and in-game controls (MSFS only)
    • Cinematic Replay with Automatic Cameras Switch (MSFS only)
    • GhostPlane : formation flying live with AI duet pilot (MSFS + P3D)
    • PMDG and Fenix A320 MSFS Support (MSFS only)
    • Next gen memory management for performance upgrade (MSFS + P3D)
    • Landing Touchdown Report (MSFS + P3D)
    • Crash-to-desktop recovery
    • Easy setup of the software
      • MSFS users : all included in 1 automatic setup
      • P3D users : the same 1 automatic setup and 2 Microsoft separate packages are required, free download for Windows.
    • FREE download of the User Manual at simMarket.
    • Reduced price upgrade if you own FCR v4.5




    Getting a quite large bug while using the PMDG 737 involving wingflex. I'd suggest you take a look: 


    • Like 1
  2. Hello, all!
    When replaying a recording in the 737NG3 in MSFS, the wingflex goes way beyond the limits that the wings usually flex. When inside the cockpit, i notice that the speed on the PFD is going far beyond what the actual speed is, going to 300+ knots on takeoff roll when in reality the plane is only going 125. This may be causing the wingflex to flex so much.

    Video link of it in action: 


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