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  1. Thanks John for the information that answers all my questions. Everything is as it should be with the dll and FSUIPC. Glad to know I'm not missing anything. Yes I've reach out to PMDG support as the change in this scenario is their code affecting the parking brake logic. The issued a fix which appears to work for some but for me it now kinda works but not like it originally did with a single pull and push of the button to toggle the brake. I'll continue the discussion with them as they are under the impression right now that they have fixed the issue with the latest patch which doesn't completely fix it for me. Thanks Norm.
  2. Hello, I've been a long time user of FSUIPC over the years for FSX, P3D4 and 5. Over Xmas I've switched over to MSFS. I have the Cirrus II PFC console (USB) for many years. I have it functioning with MSFS, everything works, yoke and buttons and I can assign the various throttle axis etc.. A recent change with the parking brake with PMDG 737 has had me investigating if I can change the bindings of the buttons and switches on the Cirrus console. I stubbled across the forum posts that shows a menu item under addons which seems to allow to see the buttons assignments for the PFC consol. I was under the impression that the assignments for the PFC console were hard coded somehow and just seem to work without me having ever done anything. I go to FSUIPC7 menu for addons and I don't have that. Is there another step other than placing the PFChild64.dll in the same folder as FSUIPC required? What prompted this is PMDG feels they have fixed the parking brake issue where a person depresses both brakes and then engaged the parking brake with the appropriate button. It worked perfectly with the PFC consol but since they say they've fixed it, I now have to cycle the push/pull button on the PFC consol a few times for it to activate the parking brake. But this lead me to the PFC menu that I seem to be missing. Any advice? Thanks Norm.
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