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  1. I will try. Yea ofc, due to graphics differance but i am testing on a strong computer, it's not that kinda performance issue. Even when MSFS installed, suggested graphics level is ultra, but changing it even lower won't effect to FSUIPC7 script reading speed.
  2. I've sent you files via PM. But i explain the issue here again. Barely FSUIPC7 console flow is 100x (or maybe even more) slower than FSIUPC5 and 6. Even when i use just print commands on the script console flow is so slow, not about sending/receiving events data, it's just reading code slow somehow. After all Lua Script is Lua Script, doesn's matter where you run it, it's such a lightweight code written on notepad. Doesn't have layered architecture or complex structure. FSUIPC7 reading 1000 lines in around 100-300ms but FSUIPC5 and 6 reads 1000 lines in 1ms. These are approximate but show the difference clearly. What was changed on FSUIPC7 about it?
  3. Thanks for your reply, You have an event registered on offset 0x652C, which is an offset in the PMDG offset area: If you are not using PMDG aircraft, how is that offset populated? Yes you right, but i mean i am not using that event.offset while testing other code, i left that code in script just for information to you to give you idea how it works. yeah that one. I will change ComReadLoopTime value and do the other checks tomorrow and will share my findings. If problem is not solved gonna run the script and save log file to send you again, so maybe you can find out.
  4. Also i had similar (just i think it's similar maybe not) issue with c++ coding before, serial port was waiting 1000ms to send another request, solution was changing serial timeout time with Serial.setTimeout(10); default was 1000. I checked FSUIPC7.ini file if there is any configuration about it but unfotunately i could not found. Even tried to find script line reading speed but none 😞
  5. We are not asking for any events to PMDG, we send a string to FSUIPC by a hardwere device via com port and when lua script finds that string does ipc.control(eventID, parameter) and turns the heading encoder in simulator up or down. We are on sending part yet for MSFS also i ve tried to receive offsets from the sim, that works aswell when changed. But lua script somehow running so slow on fsuipc7. I am checking every step from the console while testing the code. The script we have sent you is the actual script already, just removed unnecessary parts of it. When i run the script we've sent you, exactly same thing happens, you do not need whole code tbh. Even if i print only "Hello world" still FSUIPC7 writes it much slower than FSUIPC5 (again printing "hello world" by a trigger string sent from a hardwere device via com port. Maybe issue is about serial communication because i send that trigger strings from com port to FCUIPC. Can't say it's PMDG cuz those happening before sending or receiving events/offsets, also as i said even print("hello world") is slower, it can't be about PMDG 🙂 I just tested print("hello world") again; sent around 40-60 trigger string around in 3 seconds to both of them, i couldnt count FSUIPC5 hello world prints but can easily count for FSUIPC7 and its just 13 times.
  6. My friend sent you the files via PM, and that trigger means function triggers by an event in lua script. For example when we send 50 event triggers to the fsuipc, 5 triggers all 50 of em without problem, but 7 takes only few of them like 5-7 times and triggers the event. That event on the video is heading encoder up/down event. fyi.
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