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  1. That's what I'm doing now. But not changing the aircraft but the airport. And the result is the same. Thanks for the tip anyway, John!!! Best regards!
  2. Hi John! After my last test yesterday, it's all about the default flight. If I load a new flight, there's no any issue with the landing gear. So, as you say, I'd leave the FSX default flight (the one with the trike) and load a new one each time. Thanks!! Nacho
  3. Well, guys. After yesterday's tests, I have reach a conclussion: The failure is the default flight loaded at FSX startup. This is what leads me to that thought: Load the default flight at LEMD with Mega Airport scenery on. Make all the preflight, program MCDU, etc. Take off. Landing gear does not retract. Load the default flight at LEMD with Mega Airport scenery off. Make all the preflight, program MCDU, etc. Take off. Landing gear does not retract. Load another flight at LEAS default scenery. Make all the preflight, program MCDU, etc. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Load another flight at EIDW with Mega Airport on. Make all the preflight, program MCDU, etc. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Load another flight at LEST default scenery. Set the A320 at Take off ready. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Load another flight at LEMD with Mega Airport scenery on. Set the A320 at Take off ready. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Exit FSX Open FSX again. Load the default flight at LEMD with Mega Airport scenery on. Set the A320 at Take off ready. Take off. Landing gear does not retract. Load another flight at LEST default scenery. Set the A320 at Take off ready. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Exit FSX Open FSX again. Load a flight at LEMD with Mega Airport scenery on (but not the default flight). Set the A320 at Take off ready. Take off. Landing gear does retract. Exit FSX So what do you think? I'm going to make a final test today loading the same situation as the default flight (same airport, same gate, cold&dark....) and see what happen. If it works, then I'll delete the default flight and start a new flight everytime I take off from Madrid. Regards!
  4. Hi again! This is what I got from logging console (button and key operations): Picture is unable to see. This is what I got KEYUP: VK=71 Waiting=0 KEYDOWN: VK=71, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS And so on every time I press the G key.
  5. Thanks, John. I'm going to check it with the Logging console to check if something happen when I press G. And I'm also going to try to retract gear with the VC lever. Despite I always use VC, I always retract the landing gear pressing G. As you said, it makes no sense that it works at some locations and others don't. That's why I'm quite desperate.
  6. Hi! I want to ask you for some advice, so maybe I can fix an issue I'm having with an Aerosoft A320. The fact is that when I take off from Madrid-Barajas airport, the landing gear doesn't retract. But to avoid this to happen in other airports, I'd like to ask yopu if getting a full version of FSUIPC (actually I'm running 4.97 unregistered) I'd be able to modify some key settings to make the landing gear works. I have tried to change the default key (G) and assign others but nothing. And made some other configs (departing from other airport, connected and disconnected from Ivao, using TeamSpeak, using ALtitude......) and the failure is always in Madrid-Barajas. Thanks in advance for any help! Nacho
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