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Posts posted by willietee

  1. Hello John,

    Thank you so much for your help in my quest.

    I have a "quasi" cockpit on a desk top, used for the many aircraft that I fly, it is not just a single aircraft setup.

    You might say that my GFT8 is general or multi use for all my aircraft. Landing lites, taxi lites, nav lites, panel lites,beacon lites, strobes, yaw damper, pitot heat

    The Yaw Damper is used when I fly the PC12, which I forgot to mention.  I now would like to get some way to add fuel pumps, alternator to the GFP8.

    I have used this setup for decades with many versions of MS flight sims, P3D and now FS2020 only.

    I guess I need a multi use capability system.

    Thank you sincerely,


  2. Hello John,

    Thank you for your assistance.

    I am using the T8 with all my aircraft (Asobo G58, Lionhart TB20), and others along with my Honeycomb Bravo throttle.

    My settings for the T8 are as follows (l-r); Landing lites, taxi lites, nav, panel, beacon, strobe, yaw, pitot.

    I took the liberty to change some of your Lua file to something more like mine, however it occurs to me that I have  .TXT  instead of a .lua.

    And I did not know how to add the other;, if I could find the others, I might be able to make a .txt file but then need to save as a .lua.

    Thanks once more,


    attached is the txt file


  3. Okay, sounds fair enough, I understand that you cannot control other's software.  I do get that, no problem here.

    It's just confusing to me when you talk about GF's driver working with their modules and with the lights of the T8 and P8 as well, but that FSUIPC cannot do anything with the lights which I would really prefer to have .  And the similarities of the 2 software.

    Please be assured that I find no fault or any issue with FSUIPC and I strive to get the most out of the GF modules and FSUIPC. (you have been a great help so far, thanks)

    I shall try to see if I can figure out this "lua" thing.

    Thanks and cheers,


  4. Hello John,

    Thank you for letting me know how to assign the T8 switches as they should be rather than what I had them set to (toggle.)  Sorry, I had not figured that out until your reply.  They now are working perfectly.  (I learned something today, hopefully more in the near future)

    Regarding the lights, they were working with the GF driver in P3Dv5.3 and earlier.  I have moved to 2020 now.  Perhaps I can get the lua scripts so that the lights would work as they should.

    Thanks so much,


  5. The T8 switches now work as if they were as a push up ON, push down ON, push up OFF, push down OFF rather than push up ON, push down  OFF and the indicator lights are not operational.

    Should I expect to have the T8 and P8 modules work as they did in Prepar3d Simulator?

    Thanks for your help and interest,


  6. Hello, new to this forum. I have looked at past subjects and not found anything that helps, so..

    FSUIPC7, STEAM FS2020, GF LGT, T8, P8, 166, 45, 46, MCP Pro

    GIT works with MCP Pro, LGT, 166

    C :/..../Community/FSUIPC7/GFDev64.dll

    The log does not detect GFDev64.dll or any GF modules, it does see my yoke, etc.

    Help if you could please.



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