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  1. So, I finally broke my piggy bank and sprung for a new Winwing Orion 2 F-16 stick and FA-18 throttle. I got into FSUIPC 6 and figured out how to set it up for specific aircraft in P3D and it all works for the most part. Primarily I need it for the VRS Superbug. I got pretty much everything set up except for one thing; the TDC cursor slew. I would really like to use an X/Y axis for this function as the real FA-18 works like that and it just works better. However, the controls for that funstion in the VRS aircraft are buttons. Specifically, the up/down/left/right arrow keys. I can kinda see where I should be able to assign an axis to a key press... I think. But I can't get it to work. So what am I missing? Is this possible in FSUIPC? Can I assign a joystick axis to a keyboard key, and if so, how is it done?
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