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Everything posted by BetterPilot

  1. Hi John, I cleaned up the .ini file as you suggested and everything is working perfect now. Thanks for the help!
  2. Upon further testing, I am finding that the button and switches along with key presses are working when the FSUIPC7 window is selected, but not when my Flightsimulator.exe window is selected as the main window. Not sure if this is part of the issue, but I have never seen this behavior with FSUIPC before. When the MSFS window is selected the button and switches along with key presses is executed inside the sim. This behavior is only present on the PMDG 737 when I tested, the other aircraft I tested are unresponsive to button and switches along with key presses even when the FSUIPC window is selected. Thanks
  3. I am having a strange combinations of problems outlined in some of the user's posts above. The axes is saved to my aircraft, however, the button and switches along with key presses are not working. It seems to forget the aircraft that had the button and switches along with key presses assigned even though they are included in my .ini file. This is occurring with all the aircraft I have profiles for. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times, and the pattern I keep seeing is when I initially load into an aircraft after a fresh install of FSUIPC, it seems to work, then I get airborne and at some point, 5-10 min later, the button and switches along with key presses are forgotten and non functional. I have the app installed on my desktop which is not a protected folder to my knowledge. Never had the issue before with installing FSUIPC to desktop. Like I mentioned earlier, after I have a fresh install it seems to work for a few minutes, then forgets my assigned profiles with button and switches along with key presses. If it is not a fresh install instance, it doesn't remember anything , even when I manually re-assign the button and switches along with key presses to a specific aircraft. I also tried to uninstall Parallel 42 – SimFX and the issue is still there. I also tried FSUIPC7.4.13b and still got the same result. Thanks FSUIPC LOG.txt FSUIPC7.ini
  4. Wow, I totally missed that large detail and selected the wrong control as you pointed out. Got it corrected and have it working now in the sim. Thanks for all your patience and help! Adam
  5. Attached is the .ini and what I believe is the complete log. It's showing the lua being killed but I'm unsure why. Thanks! FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  6. Hi John, Thank you for the lua suggestion, this looks exactly what I've been searching for all these years! I've got it in my sim however it doesn't seem to be functioning to trigger the brakes. I will post my log and .ini in the OP that provided the lua. Thanks again for this incredible suggestion! Adam
  7. Hi John, Thanks for the reply. I was able to figure out how to do exactly what you mentioned in the .ini file yesterday and spent about 8-9 hours trying to tune the brakes to a suitable strength. The results were a bit underwhelming due to the ground physics of MSFS and not FSUIPC. Is there a way I can program the key assigned to the brake axis to engage in 2 or 3 staged intensities based on how long I hold the brake key? For example setting the brakes to trigger at values -3000, -6000, -10000. Initial value when key is pressed = -3000 Second value when key is held for .5 seconds = -6000 Third value when key is held for .5 seconds more = -10000 Something like this might make a world of a difference for me while impatiently wait for MSFS to re-write the ground physics modeling 🙂 Thanks, Adam
  8. I believe I figured out how to do this, Set the keyboard key to the Right axis brake, parameter about 4000, and 0 for the parameter upon key release. ...last step is trying to figure out how to assign the left axis brake to the same exact button. I believe I will need to edit the ini manually to accomplish this.
  9. Hello, I have a practical application of this functionality - mapping an axis to a button press - that I have been trying to solve for a couple years and would appreciate any help. I fly without rudder pedals and use a button press for ground braking. I find the brakes incedibly too strong, or way too weak when using a button for braking in MSFS. Is there a way I can map a button my keyboard to left and right brake axis that meet the following conditions: 1) When button is pressed the brake axis only goes to let's say 25 or 50% 2) When button is released the brake axis goes back to zero. Thanks for any help, been trying to figure this out for literally years! Thanks Adam
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