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Rahul Sharma

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  1. Hi Pete and John. A couple of issues that no doubt are an easy fix...but not quite for me. 1. I have a registered copy of your FSUIPC7 for MSFS2020. I also use a licensed copy of Prosim738. My hardware configuration seems to be running into issues. On my Yoke (Agronn) I am trying to configure the Elevator Trim Buttons (trim wheel in FSC Motorized TQ). Curiously only the Trim Down works while the Trim Up which is similarly configured does not work (the trim function worked perfectly in FSX). After digging deep I noticed that in the Prosim config page Yoke buttons 4 and 5 are showing up as Trim down and Trim up. But in FSUIPC I see they show up as buttons 4 and 3. Button 4 works perfectly for Trim down but there is a conflict with Trim up buttons 5 and 3. (Prosim and FSUIPC). So I thought to go to the Options and Settings page in FSUIPC and try and solve this. But I cannot access the Options and Settings page...it is seemingly not available. I cannot see it as part of the drop down column where Axes, Switches & Buttons, Keyboard etc. are selectable. How do I a) Solve the Elevator trim issue and b) how do I access the Options and Settings page in FSUIPC (if there is one as in the previous versions). 2. I was able to configure my toe brakes to turn off the parking brake in my TQ. The parking brake in the FSC TQ has a switchable solenoid and should be able to work with the Rudder toe brakes. This was working perfectly till I used FSX with the previous version of FSUIPC. Any and all help here is much appreciated. 3. And finally a question on external lights on the Prosim738. I use a very well put together FWD and AFT Overheads by Simworld. How do I use FSUIPC to get the lights to work in the MSFS Prosim Flight Model? Thanks and regards - Rahul (Hong Kong)
  2. Hi Pete/John Hope you are well. I have a question that I am sure has been answered time and again by you gents. But me being a late convert to MSFS2020 (just this last month) I have some questions on how best to set up my Agronn Yokes and OpenCockpit Rudders. I have tried to seek help from numerous online tutorials to no avail. I have a fully paid up version of FSUIPC7 1. I use the "direct input choice box" in Prosim737 as also FSUPIC7 box. Have installed the FSUIPC7 correctly. 2. Have deleted the default profiles in MSFS2020 for all external controllers (Yokes, Rudders, Tiller) in MSFS2020 by going to the Control Settings selecting the "Agronn Yoke", "BU0386" for OC Rudders and deleting the profile 3. I have first calibrated the Yoke and Rudder in Windows (10) 4. Opened FSUIPC7 from inside MSFS (AltF) and scanned and calibrated both the Yokes and Rudders as also Steering Tiller" using both "send direct to FSUIPC Calibration", which did not work.. and also used "send to FS as normal axis", which too did not work. Numbers change showing FSUIPC recognizes the hardware and all show up when I press "rescan". FYI I used FSX till a few months ago and everything use to work like a breeze. I tried to just replicate what I did in FSUIPC4...but nothing works with MSFS2020 5. Similarly the switches that I set up in FSUIPC7...includes Elevator Trim Switches and Autopilot Disconnect both do not work in MSFS2020. They show up and work in FSUIPS (at the time of setup in Buttons and Switch Assignments). 6. Please note I have also tried from inside Prosim's calibration page using "combined config" to configure the Yoke, Rudder, and the Tiller, plus Yoke buttons...again no joy. What am I missing or not doing? Please help. I am 60 years old and perhaps need a detailed input. Many thanks and best...Rahul (all the way from Hong Kong) I use: Simworld MIP and their AFT and FWD Overheads, CP Flight complete Pedestal and MCP Pro3, FSC Motorized TQ, FSC Stickshakers, FSC Control Load Steering Tiller, IPECO Capt and FO seats plus J-rails, Agronn Yokes (2) and Open Cockpit Rudder Pedals (2). Fully Licensed Prosim737 suite with MSFS2020 (pro).
  3. Sorry for the long delay...I travel a lot. I think the problem was that I was running an unregistered copy of FSUIPC7.
  4. Thanks John. Unfortunately no other window is open or another program running. Yes I did delete the .ini file when FSUIPC was not running. Could it be that I have installed FSUIPC from within the zip folder? I did not download the zip file onto the desktop and then install it? Should I then uninstall it and reinstall it correctly?
  5. Hello, I am brand new to MSFS2020 and using FSUIPC7. I have read all there is to read about the new FSUIPC running outside the sim etc etc. I open MSFS by clicking on the desktop icon that also opens FSUIPC7. I can confirm that FSUIPC is running when the MSFS is open. Perhaps I am not getting it, but I just cannot access FSUIPC7 by pressing ALT+F or indeed from the systems tray. I see the icon in the tray after I press ALT+F4, but nothing happens after clicking on SHOW. I have also tried removing the Windows.ini file from FSUIPC.ini. No joy. I am not sure what I am doing wrong and how to correct it. I can see two icons in the toolbar....the MSFS and the FSUIPC, telling me both are running. But how do I open FSUIPC to calibrate controls etc. I am also running PROSIM737. Both the FSUIPC and PROMSIM are fully paid for and registered. I have been using FSUIPC since it was first launched years ago and was mighty pleased with the results till now. I have a full SIMWORLD MIP with their CDU's, FSC Motorized TQ, Agron Yokes and Pedals, CP Flight Pro MCP. EFISs' and with a full CP Flight Central Radio Console, FSC Steering Tiler with FSC Stick Shakers, plus original IPECO Boeing 737 seats with J-rails . Had no issue when using this set-up with FSX and Windows 7. Using two networked PCs. One for the PROSIM system and central display (3, 42inch monitors) and the other for the PROSIM displays. Just upgraded to MSFS2020 reluctantly and have now got stuck with FSUIPC. Please help. Thanks.
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