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    São Paulo - Brazil

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  1. Hello there, I hope you all are doing fine. I'm finding some issues during the climb phase of PMDG B77W for MSFS. After some testing and reading, I found out that what's causing the issue is the FSUIPC 7 itself. I think this video can clarify what I mean. It was recorded before I try to turn FSUIPC off. After this recording, the plane managed to climb up to FL270, then I close FSUIPC and it starts climb normally up to FL320 just like it should be. After leveling at cruise level, I turn FSUIPC 7 on again and resume the flight normally. Topic discussing this issue in PMDG's forum Thank you all.
  2. *** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hello there, I hope you all are doing fine. Here is a suggestion for an easier input set up In the window "Buttons & Switch Assignments" There are a few ways of bind Sim events to joysticks inputs, but only the option "Select for Preset" seems to have a good category selection. At the option Select for FS control, we have to select in a HUGE list of events which are sorted in alphabetical order. It's easy to get confused by events like "Starter 1" and "Engine 1 Start". I know these events are related to the flight sim, but I would be much better if there were some kind of categories so we can assure what are the events related to some subject.
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