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Posts posted by Godehardt2003

  1. You are absolutely right. I thought updating FSUIPC is sufficient and completely forgot, that your DLL was also updated...

    My WASM module was on version 1.0.2 (manifest.json) but with the old FSUIPC_WAPID.dll it logged 0.9.0 🤷‍♂️.

    After switching to the new DLL it worked instantly and logged 1.0.2.


    Thanks a lot for your quick help

  2. First of all thanks for this nice FSUIPC c# client. Normally it works without any problem.

    I'm programming an interface for a home cockpit. So I often need to scan LVARs or changes of them. I thought that the MSFSVariableService is exactly what I am looking for. After copying most of the code from the Example Code (V1.4) it didn't work (LVAR list empty even if .Init(), .Start(), .Reload() was called). Therefore I executed the example code .exe. Seems to be the exact same problem:

    (after clicking on "Log LVars")

    [INFO]: **** Starting FSUIPC7 WASM Interface (WAPI) version 0.9.0 (WASM version 0.9.0)
    [INFO]: Connected to MSFS
    [INFO]: We have 000 lvars:

    All comboboxes and textfields are empty.


    Tested with FlyByWire A320Neo.

    FSUIPC -> Add-ons -> WASM -> List Lvars

    works as expected.

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