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  1. With increasing years nothing seems to be getting easier 😉 OK, I downloaded the software. Install seemed logical, but when I put in the registration code I get an error warning and the reg code is refused. So "I skip" - I did pay 23€ on the simmarket account and the registration key is visible. I have uninstalled, turned off McAfee as far as it lets you - i.e. Firewall and scan off. Re-downloaded and installed again. The same - reg key not valid Now I have a new desktop icon that says MSFS but has an FSUIPC Icon overlaid. clicking that starts msfs. But once I am in the sim, I do not see any way to open the interface. I read the manual sort of... so pressing alt f opens a window with the message Welcome to FSUIPC7, version 7.4.1 0 Lvars, 0 hvars, 0 Input Events & 12334 presets available ================================================ But there is no indication of where I can adjust and calibrate my controls. What have I forgotten to do?
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