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Posts posted by Eagleskinner

  1. I really am sorry to write this... 

    I am very dissatisfied with FCR v5. Let me list some of the problems I have encountered:

    • the manual is very clumsy and not always easy or logical to understand.
    • the interface is not very comfortable - which one do I use? The one from the inflight toolbar or the FCR5 panel that opens outside of the game.
    • loading a recording seems to take a long time before any other aircraft appear in sim.
    • I can only use identical aircraft to the one recorded in the original recording. There is no option to load up different liveries.
    • despite using offset values, I often get "play as AI" aircraft directly over the recording. The offset values are in NM - can we have metres please? 15 metres at the start point is easier to understand than some unit of nautical miles.
    • if I do get a multi aircraft flight going, I don't seem to be able to record it.
    • the software does not work with certain non-asobo aircraft, the SF260 leaves a rainbow coloured smoke trail for instance.
    • I have experienced several msfs crashes to black screen.

    There used to be a recorder in FSX - anyone remember? It was very intuitive. Record, save, load recording #1, add another aircraft with different livery, play, record the new flight as a two-ship... repeat. I was able to fly along with myself in as many as 7 different liveries. Actually it was called FS recorder and first available in FS2004

    Flying 5 copies of exactly the same livery is simply not realistic - at the very least you need to allow different registrations. Just think of real life - there is no possible way you would ever see groups of aircraft with the same registration codes. Unless the fictional pilot is maybe a criminal mastermind with some smuggling needs. 😉 

    Most of all, it was easy to use and did not need 40+ pages of manual. 

    Still, I paid for this software, so I will persevere. 

  2. To add to my problems I now see the download file in the download location but clicking on it gives me a windows alert box:

    Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file.
    You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item

    I have set UAC to allow. I have turned off McAfee - all the usual stuff

    Help please

  3. With increasing years nothing seems to be getting easier 😉

    OK, I downloaded the software. Install seemed logical, but when I put in the registration code I get an error warning and the reg code is refused. So "I skip" - I did pay 23€ on the simmarket account and the registration key is visible.

    I have uninstalled, turned off McAfee as far as it lets you - i.e. Firewall and scan off.  Re-downloaded and installed again. The same - reg key not valid

    Now I have a new desktop icon that says MSFS but has an FSUIPC Icon overlaid. clicking that starts msfs. But once I am in the sim, I do not see any way to open the interface. I read the manual sort of... so pressing alt f opens a window with the message


    • Welcome to FSUIPC7, version 7.4.1
    • 0 Lvars, 0 hvars, 0 Input Events & 12334 presets available
    • ================================================


    But there is no indication of where I can adjust and calibrate my controls.

    What have I forgotten to do?

  4. Hi,

    First of all I have to give a slightly cheeky 😱 - you really should get a human to proof read the manual, afterall that huge "SUMMURY" heading on page two is an off putting sight for first language English users. Yes, I appreciate your Italian heritage, but such a large typo gives a wrong impression about the quality of the software.

    But to the point: I do have a couple of pre purchase questions. In FSX there was a freeware recorder software that allowed me to record and re-record flights so that I could have myself flying multiple aircraft in a formation. In my case I would fly five Christen Eagles and save. In fact I have receorded up to seven Eagles in formation; I have a proof image (many to choose from actually), but the forum restricts file size. Ah... Here's a thumbnail image. 7 Christen Eagles (the Long Island Classics version) all flown by me recording incrementally so that I had 7 recordings in the end, each with one extra plane.

    Anyway, there were no restrictions to FSX aircraft / third party developer ones. No cautions or warnings as to how complicated the software was. In fact it was so simple to use, it needed no handbook, just a one page readme text. Helicopters? No problems.

    So what is your msfs software capable of. I see words like "ghost aircraft" - what are these? Can I do multi aircraft flights like in FSX?

    Thanks for any advice.


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