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Henrique Santos

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Everything posted by Henrique Santos

  1. Hello again! Tried PF3 with FSUIPC7 new version, v7.4.12 (free version), and with the inibuilds A320, PF3 Hotkeys didn´t worked. It work wiht FBW, so just to check if the problem is with Inibuilds (as it seems). I attach the file, so it can be confirmed (hope the right one). Tank's in advance Henrique FSUIPC7.log
  2. I also can confirm that the fix, fixed. Thank’s a lot for the effort
  3. The last FSUIPC LOGS FSUIPC logs.rar
  4. Hello again! Sorry to say, but with the fix for the Hotkeys work, as consequence, another problem arose. When I said the fix worked, I didn't try a full flight, only started a flight and hit 0. But this weekend, I did, and today, for the 2 times I tried, I had the same problem. Yes, the Hotkey made the contact, but now, it's like if I'm hitting all the time. It stars on a loop, making it impossible to call following the correct sequence. So, is it possible to download FSuipc 2 versions before the 7.4.4 ? Because then, no problem whatsoever. Thanks on advance
  5. I understand that it may not be a "normal" situation. But if I let for example, FSLTL for last, in keeps telling me that it cannot connect, but like I said, that's not something that stops me from enjoying a flight. Thanks again for the help
  6. "If you change the order of starting the programs, it is always the last one that fails to connect?" Yes, so I start FSLT first and next first officer, and the rest, and it doesn't happen every tine. Around 75% (more/less) of times " And this was fine until a dew months ago?" No, in fact, it started 2/3 months ago, so I can't remember the FSuipc version, but before that update, no problem before. But contrary to the problem of the Hotkeys, I "learned to accept". Many thank’s, tough
  7. Hello! Tried and it worksssss. Thanks a lot for the work done and the quick HELP. While I'm here, has FSUIPC a limit of add-ons that can connect? FSLT traffic, Aiground, FirstOficcer and others, and since a few months, the last that I try to connect, it doesn't. It keeps trying without success.´ But anyway, A BIG Thanks Henrique
  8. Hello! Been using Fsuipc for years, and now on MSFS, and among many add-ons, I have been using PF3. Never had a problem, but since last saturday, when I updated my FSUIPC version (the warning was visible when loading MSFS that an update was available) my number keys, or the Hotkeys that PF3 uses, stopped working. Already tried to get Help on the PF3 forum, but they said that I should try here. PF3 works, connects, but since the update, when I press a Hotkeys (the number keys above), nothing happens. Sent them the log from PF3 and Fsuipc, and they say that both seems ok, but to try here to get some help. So tanks in advance. My FSUIPC version is the latest for MSFS Henrique FSUIPC7.rar FSUIPC7_prev.log
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