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  1. You're a star - thanks!
  2. Ahh, makes sense, I see what you mean. Fingers crossed... Thanks again, Caspian
  3. Thanks for the response. It'd appear that it was as a result of the first forum post I linked that the disclaimer was added saying no version of FSUIPC4 is supported on any pre-Windows 7 version of Windows - it looks like some people have had some joy running 4.971 on XP, supported or not, so I was curious if you / anyone had it kicking about. But if not, not to worry!
  4. Hello, It would appear from this post that FSUIPC 4.971 was the last version that ran on Windows XP. I have a second computer running Windows XP and FSX and for old time's sake, I'd like to try and connect it to VATSIM using Swift as per these instructions. Does anybody know if it's possible to get hold of FSUIPC 4.971? I have tried the Wayback Machine but it was not archived. Thanks, Caspian
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