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Everything posted by Falcon49

  1. Hello Fabio, At first, I had a similar problem mapping my yoke and rudder controls to SWS PC12 aileron & rudder axes. I found out thru their Discord channel they use the Lvars: L:ARI_AileronInput and L:ARI_RudderInput to control these axes. I use FSUIPC7: Axis > "Send to Offset" to map each control (ie yoke and rudder pedal) and use a lua event-driven program to read the offsets and then write to the Lvars. Please note that their Lvars range is from -100 to +100, so you may need to rescale your control values to match. I've attached my lua file for your review, I hope this helps. Gary PS: To John and Pete, thanks for a great program. Pc12Axes.lua
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