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Dell B

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  1. Ok thanks for that and yes I'm using that previous version and was little scared to make another change once I seen the new one because I had just got it to work. These last explanations seem like this was my exact issue so I'll update to 7.4.6 I believe mine is 7.4.5. Thanks again for your time, patience, and quick respnses.
  2. When I tried to get you a screenshot of the 2 boxes greyed out upon installation ( auto start and WASM) there was a message next to WASM saying HVAR/LVAR would install in community folders or something along these lines. FSUIPC was installed in another folder and still not connecting which is why I reached out. After reaching I tried to just move the folder my self thinking maybe it should be there per the message. When I logged back in it showed connected. I'm assuming that fixed it. But you're saying that shouldn't have fixed it? Thats the only thing I changed.
  3. Got ya the attachment kept saying it was too big when I tried so I copied and pasted.l but I purchased it on th ms store initially on xbox now I'm on PC. Update- I moved the HVAR files from the FSUIPC7 to community folder for MSFS based off the greyed message for WASM upon installation and that seemed to allow me to connect a pilot life. So as of now I'm connected thanks again for your time. BTW still couldn't get that screen shot for you I'm using snipping tool but it still says it's too big.
  4. Thanks and sorry for the questions in multiple places. Here is what my log is saying not sure how much you needed to see. FSUIPC7 Installer v0.9.25 for v7.4.5 Running in folder 'D:\FSUIPC7\Install_FSUIPC7\Install_FSUIPC7' Determining installation details... Installation folder location: C:\FSUIPC7 Documents folder location: C:\Users\Byersaa\Documents\FSUIPC7 Determing Community folder for MS Store install **** Cannot determine location of UserCfg.opt: Cannot install WASM module **** Cannot find UserCfg.opt file (not at ) OriginalInstallDir=, FSUIPCInstalled=0, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\Byersaa\Documents\FSUIPC7, CommunityFolderLocation= Default installation directory is 'C:\FSUIPC7' Output folder: D:\New folder Installing FSUIPC7.exe in D:\New folder. Extract: FSUIPC7.exe... 100% FSUIPC7.exe installation completed. Installing User Manuals... Create folder: C:\Users\Byersaa\Documents\FSUIPC7 Documents directory created: C:\Users\Byersaa\Documents\FSUIPC7 Output folder: C:\Users\Byersaa\Documents\FSUIPC7
  5. I'm having issues when installing. It automatically greys out the first 2 options that's the auto start with msfs and WASM. After the install is complete along (minus the 2 things I just mentioned) I'm still unable to connect Msfs to a pilots life. I've Uninstaller and reinstalled several times and still not working.
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