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    Boise, Idaho

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  1. Thanks again for your help! 1. Renamed EXE.xml to BAK--EXE--BAK.xml. 2. Reinstalled FSUIPC7 3. Attached 3 files to this post 4. Reinstalled VC_redist.x64 5. Reinstalled VC_redist.x86 6. No antivirus software in use - beyond Windows BAK--EXE--BAK.xml EXE.xml InstallFSUIPC7.log
  2. Thank you for your quick response!! I apologize for swapping the terms task manager and system tray... However, FSUIPC7 does not appear in either location. I tried to attach a video of the whole process but it is a bit too large. I can email it to you or upload it some place, if needed. l also attached the log file you have requested. I really appreciate your help with this! Joe InstallFSUIPC7.log
  3. Hello, I am trying to run FS Flying School and FS Instant Approach from FsFlyingSchool.com. However, to get their software to work it utilizes FSUIPC7. However, I can't get FSUIPC7 to run either automatically or manually. I have installed, and installed, uninstalled, re-installed, uninstalled and installed some more. There is never an error during installation. I have chosen both Auto Start and manual but it makes no difference. I never see FSUIPC7 running in the task manager, it never appears in the taskbar. I am not sure what files, screenshots or system info you might need so I'll provide that as soon as I know what you need! Thanks for helping me!
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