This is from the Flight1 discord:
FSUIPC detects data such as landing, taxi, strobe, runway lights on/off, speed, altitude and more from the simulator. The APLv2 add-on I use gets data from FSUIPC and rates my flights.
When I turn on the taxi lights toggle, FSUIPC gets data such as landing lights on. This is wrong.
Runway turnoff on as taxi on. Separately or together toggles always transmit data such as taxi axis lights on. It doesn't need to transmit anything.
When I open the "front cargo door" from EFB the airplane transmits data such as strobe lights on, but the toggle switch is off. It doesn't need to transmit anything.
Flight1's response is that this is fsuipc developer's issue to fix. I'm 100% sure this is not your problem, but would like validation to send them back to the drawing board.