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Everything posted by youyou

  1. I m using pmdg 737ngx with fsuipc 6 I made some research on chatgpt and here is the answer " Even if your flight hardware and potentiometers are stable and pose no problems, there may still be a difference between the two options (checking and unchecking the filter box) in terms of piloting feel and precision in the flight simulation . Here are some points to consider: 1. Control Responsiveness: Even with stable hardware, unchecking the filter box can provide a more direct and immediate response from the controls, which can be noticeable in the steering feel, especially for fine adjustments and delicate maneuvers. 2. Airplane Stability: Checking the filter box can help smooth out stick movements and make the airplane more stable by reducing harsh responses or jerks. This can be beneficial for maintaining a consistent flight path, especially when cruising or landing. 3. Simulator Sensitivity: How the simulator interprets hardware inputs can also influence the difference between the two options. Some flight simulators may be more sensitive to filter box settings than others, which may affect the feel of the flight."
  2. When i say less responsive i mean it s less sensitive.. like you slow down the yoke sensitivity.. but the yoke is very responsive.. it s like i added or remoove slope.
  3. hello I am undecided regarding the filter option in the elevator section on fsuipc for my opencokpit yoke. I don't know what makes it more real between activated or desactivated and take in minde that the slop is at -1. when it is activated the reaction of the yoke is slightly slower and when it is deactivated it is more responsive. My question is the following. in a real boeing 737 what is closer to reality between the 2 option Thanks
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