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  1. Hi John Please excuse, that it took me so long to say thank you for your quick and competent help. I can confirm that the 'insert' key programmed via the .ini configuration just works fine. My impression that it does not work was caused by a misunderstanding on my side. Also a thanky you for your information how I can program the 'toggle view' comands without using 'simulated' keyboard keypresses. I was not aware of the functionality described in your board entry above. All the best Hannes
  2. Hi John I am using FSUIPC 7.4.11 on the MSFS (the current version) that just works fine. I am looking for the control values I cannot locate in the list of controls included in the FSUIPC documentation: The control to toggle between the cockpit camera and the external camera (assigned to button 'end' on the keyboard) The control to toggle between the cockpit/external camera and the drone camera/fixed cameras (assigned to button 'insert' on the keyboard) I have listed the default assignment on the keyboard because I use MSFS in German and therfore do not know how the two toggle functions are correctly called in the English MSFS. For the time beeing, I have assinged key presses to the two buttons on my joystick but I prefere to used the controls. Could it be the two controls do not exist? By the way: The key press 'end' works correct but the key press 'insert' does not work. Cold that be or do I make a mistake? Thanks a lot for your help Hannes Schmid
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